This Won't End Well
Book Feature - This Won't End Well by Camille Pagán
Book Feature - This Won't End Well by Camille Pagán
HBL Note: Remember I’m Fine and Neither Are You? (Affiliate link to The author of that bestselling novel (with a hilarious title, I might add), Camille Pagán, is back with a new story for us (and another great title, if I do say so myself.) We’ve all been there, in life or watching a romantic comedy, when we think to ourselves This Won’t End Well. Yet, we do it anyway. The main character, Annie, knows that letting people into her life will only end in disaster but she lets them in anyway for one more chance at happiness. Scroll down to read more.
Book Feature - This Won't End Well by Camille Pagán
From the publisher:
No new people: that's Annie's vow. It's bad enough that her boss sabotaged her chemistry career and her best friend tried to cure her with crystals. But after her fiance, Jon, asks for space while he's gallivanting around Paris, Annie decides she needs space too--from everyone.
Yet when Harper moves in next door, Annie can't help but train a watchful eye on the glamorous but fragile young woman. And if keeping Harper safe requires teaming up with Mo, a maddeningly optimistic amateur detective, who is she to mind her own business?
Soon Annie has let not one but two new people into her life. Then Jon reappears--and he wants her to join him in France. She knows letting anyone get close won't end well. So she must decide: Is another shot at happiness worth the risk?
Book Feature - This Won't End Well by Camille Pagán