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Preview of Lightning in a Mirror by Jayne Ann Krentz

Preview of Lightning in a Mirror by Jayne Ann Krentz

Preview of LIGHTNING IN A MIRROR by Jayne Ann Krentz

Exclusive Excerpt

Olivia did not expect to sleep, but at some point she finally dozed off.

The nightmare hit hard and fast.

 . . . She is in the shadows of the garage. The Speed Dating Killer lunges toward her, a reptilian sheen in his eyes. He has a knife in one hand. The roll of duct tape and the syringe are on the concrete floor.

She suddenly knows what the camera can do. She tries to raise it so she can focus through it. But she can’t move. She is frozen. Trapped . . .

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Panic flooded her veins, bringing her awake on a tide of terror. She managed, barely, to swallow a scream. Nightmare. You’ve been here before. It’s just a nightmare.

But it wasn’t a dream. The killer was there, in her bedroom, lunging toward her. He gripped the knife just as he had the night she had confronted him in the garage.

But now he was in her bedroom, coming at her.

She threw herself to the far side of the bed . . . and got hopelessly tangled up in the sheets and blanket. She struggled, but she knew she was doomed. She would not be able to escape, not this time.

The bedroom door slammed open. Harlan loomed, silhouetted against the glow of the night-light in the hall. He had his gun in one hand.

“What the hell?” he said. He did not take his eyes off the Speed Dating Killer but he made no move to stop him. Instead he lowered the gun. “Are you okay?”

She realized he was talking to her. She realized something else as well. The killer was motionless.

“Yes,” she managed. “At least I think so.”

She wriggled free of the sheets and blanket and got to her feet on the far side of the bed. Her pulse was pounding. She gasped for breath.

He was wearing the trousers and the long-sleeved shirt he’d had on earlier in the evening. The shirt was unbuttoned now, revealing a monastically plain white tee underneath. Barefoot, he moved into the room.

“Well, now, isn’t this interesting?” he said.

He walked slowly around the life-sized image of the Speed Dating Killer. The figure hovered about a foot off the floor.

The killer was still there, still poised to kill. But he did not move. It was as if he existed in another dimension.

Olivia wondered if she was still dreaming. But the rug beneath her feet felt real. The bedside clock glowed, the numbers clear. Three sixteen a.m. When she dreamed, numbers never made sense. She could not use a phone or find an address or figure out a bill when she was in a dreamstate. But now she was reading the clock quite clearly.

And Harlan Rancourt was strolling around her bedroom as if he had every right to be there.

She definitely was not dreaming.

“It looks like a ghost,” she said.

“Not a ghost.” He sliced his hand through the image. There was no resistance. “I think it’s a hologram. Do you recognize the guy with the knife?”

“Oh, yes.” She went slowly around the end of the bed. “It’s the Speed Dating Killer. That’s exactly how he looked before he had his, uh, seizure.”

Harlan switched his attention to her. His eyes heated. “You must have been the one who took the picture.”

“That wasn’t what I thought I was doing at the time. I don’t understand.”

She caught a glint of silvery light and turned quickly, searching for the source. An eerie radiance came from the lens of the vintage camera.

“The camera is projecting the image,” she said. “Not me.”

Harlan walked toward the camera but he did not touch it. “What were you doing in the seconds before he tried to murder you?”

“I had this feeling that I could use the camera as a weapon. I aimed it, focused some energy through the lens and pressed one of the buttons.”

She went to the bedside table and picked up the camera. It was warm to the touch. The vibe was unmistakable. Experimentally she pressed one of the buttons. The silvery light vanished. The hologram winked out.

“The man was about to gut you and you wanted to take a picture?” Harlan asked, his tone suspiciously neutral.

“Of course not. I told you, I reacted intuitively.”

He gave her a slow, satisfied smile. It was the first time he had smiled since he had sat down at her speed dating table.


From LIGHTNING IN A MIRROR published by arrangement with Berkley, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. Copyright © 2021 by Jayne Ann Krentz.

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On a Night Like This

On a Night Like This

Jayne Ann Krentz

Jayne Ann Krentz