Parker Looks Up
Hasty Book List: Kids - Parker Looks Up
Hasty Book List: Kids - Parker Looks Up
Hasty Book List: Kids - Parker Looks Up
Parker Looks Up: An Extraordinary Moment captures the real-life experience of Parker Curry when she first encounters the official portrait of Michelle Obama. In a life-defining moment, Parker is leaving the National Portrait Gallery when she looks up and sees the majestic portrait of Michelle Obama. In that moment, this little girl sees who she could be, someone like her, who transforms her into possibility.
Hasty Book List: Kids - Parker Looks Up
The moment is captured by a bystander who published it on social media. It went viral, and got the attention of Parker’s mother, Jessica Curry, a well-known mom blogger from Washington D.C. With encouragement from her aunt, Jessica and Parker write this lovely book that show us how important it is to see people like us fulfilling their dreams.