Meg Waite Clayton


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Meg Waite Clayton

Meg Waite Clayton

Author Interview - Meg Waite Clayton

This weekend was supposed to be the Unbound Book Festival in Columbia, MO and there were a few authors I was really looking forward to meeting. In lieu of meeting them in person, I’m sharing their author interviews today. Happy social distancing everyone, hope you’re all staying healthy!

Author I draw inspiration from:  so many, but for The Last Train to London, certainly Anthony Doerr (All the Light We Cannot See)

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Favorite place to read a book:  as a kid, I used to hide in a big tree in our backyard and read, but these days, by the fire

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:  Well, it would depend upon how long! For a long time, Dorothea Brooke from Middlemarch — I think she would wear well under stress. Short: probably Scout Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: Not sure I can say a moment, but the summer between 5th and 6th grade, when I discovered through a library reading contest A Wrinkle in Time and To Kill a Mockingbird

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:  for reading: paperback. Although I do collect hardcover first editions.

The last book I read:  An Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett

Pen & paper or computer:  Both! Also those little 3x5 notecards you were supposed to use for term papers back in the day. But a full draft—that is computer. My handwriting is impossible to read, even for me.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:  Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice.

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a:  well, lawyer, I suppose, as that is what I was first

 Favorite decade in fashion history: I’m not much of a fashionista, but I do love all those great collars Grace Kelly wore in the 1950s

Place I’d most like to travel:  On a regular basis, Paris. I so love the city. For a place I haven’t yet been, so many choice! I suppose Angel Falls, Venezuela, or the Milford Sound in New Zealand.

My signature drink:  Don Julio 70, neat.

Favorite artist:  Berthe Morisot

Number one on my bucket list:  the Unbound Book Festival, of course! #2: Getting a screenplay produced.

Find more from the author:

  • Facebook: novelistmeg

  • Twitter: megwclayton

  • Instagram and just about anywhere else: megwaiteclayton

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