Lorelei King: Audiobook Narrator


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Lorelei King: Audiobook Narrator

Lorelei King: Audiobook Narrator

Lorelei King: Audiobook Narrator

Born in Pennsylvania and now living in London, LORELEI KING has appeared in films such as Notting HillHouse of Mirth and (as the voice of MUTHUR) Alien: Covenant. She has played regular and recurring characters in popular British television shows such as ChefCold Feet, and Emmerdale. A multi-award-winning audio book narrator, she is one of the first inductees into Audible's 'Narrator Hall of Fame'. Once described as 'the best-known American voice on Radio 4', Lorelei has recorded more than 200 programs for the BBC. She is co-founder of the digital publishing company, Creative Content Ltd., which published her first book (co-written with Ali Muirden), "Storyteller: How to be an Audio Book Narrator".

Lorelei King: Audiobook Narrator

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How did you prepare to narrate Into the Mist by P.C. Cast?

I prepared the same way I do for most books: I read it through, making a list of characters (and any pronunciation queries) as I went. I also jotted down any clues that P.C. Cast gave about character’s voices. In studio, the main thing – as always! - was to be rested and hydrated. Some things you can’t prepare for – like how hard-hitting some of the emotional moments were in “Into The Mist”. We had a few tears in studio! 

Other work by Lorelei King:

As well as being an actress and voice artist, I have been a writer, script-editor, and voice director for children’s television programs (Chuggington, Bob the Builder). And a job that is very close to my heart is that of charity ambassador for the British dementia charity, DementiaUK. 

More books narrated by Lorelei King:

I narrate Janet Evanovich’s “Stephanie Plum” series, as well as her new “Gabriela Rose” series. I also narrate the “Mercy Thompson” series by Patricia Briggs, and the “Charlie Davidson” and “Sunshine Vikram” series by Darynda Jones. 

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Into the Mist

Into the Mist