Liv Constantine
Author Interview - Liv Constantine
Today I'm interview the author(s) of The Last Mrs. Parrish. Did you know that Liv Constantine is a pseudonym for sisters Lynne and Val? Click the link for my full review and more information about the book. Find out more about the personal lives of authors including their signature drink, favorite decade in fashion history, and the artists that inspire them in my author interview series.
Author I draw inspiration from:
VAL - Agatha Christie. Brilliant and prolific.
LYNNE - Stephen King – when I was receiving rejection after rejection, it was his story that gave me hope. I once read that he’d papered his study with all the rejection letters he received over the years.
Author Interview with Val and Lynne, the sisters behind Liv Constantine: Val's favorite author is Agatha Christie
Favorite place to read a book:
VAL - Sitting in a comfy easy chair in my conservatory. There are two walls of windows that look out at trees and sky, and the sun pours in. It’s the perfect room.
LYNNE - In my big red cushy chair, with the fireplace roaring, and my dog snuggling next to me on the ottoman. In the summer, I like to read at the beach
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:
VAL - Mr. Darcy
LYNNE - James Bond
Author Interview with Val and Lynne, the sisters behind Liv Constantine: the book character Lynne would most like to be stuck in an elevator with
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:
VAL - When I read Penmarric by Susan Howatch
LYNNE - I can’t identify a single moment, but I’ve always loved to read, and done well in English. Once the writing bug bit, there was no looking back for me.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:
VAL - Hardback. Although I do love listening to audiobooks on occasion.
LYNNE - Hardback for sure
The last book I read:
VAL - Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James
LYNNE - Magpie Murders
Author Interview with Val and Lynne, the sisters behind Liv Constantine: the last book Val read
Pen & paper or computer:
VAL - Computer. I could never get my thoughts down fast enough if I used pen and paper.
LYNNE - Computer
Book character I think I’d be best friends with:
VAL - Nancy Drew
LYNNE - Elizabeth Bennet
Author Interview with Val and Lynne, the sisters behind Liv Constantine: the book character Lynne would be best friends with
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:
VAL - Singer
LYNNE - An actor
Favorite decade in fashion history:
VAL - I absolutely love the elegance of the 1950s creations by designers like Chanel and Givenchy. Think of Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
LYNNE - 1940’s
Author Interview with Val and Lynne, the sisters behind Liv Constantine: Val's favorite decade in fashion history - 1950s, like in Breakfast at Tiffany's
Place I’d most like to travel:
VAL - The two places on my “want to” travel list are Zanzibar and Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.
LYNNE - Vienna
My signature drink:
VAL - Red or white wine
LYNNE - Red wine or the Sudden Bitch Martini
Favorite artist:
VAL - Pierre-Auguste Renoir
LYNNE - Van Gogh
Author Interview with Val and Lynne, the sisters behind Liv Constantine: Lynne's favorite artist
Number one on my bucket list:
VAL - To take my granddaughter to Greece
LYNNE - Taking my kids to Greece
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