Lies in White Dresses


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Lies in White Dresses

Lies in White Dresses

Book Feature - Lies in White Dresses by Sofia Grant

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HBL Note: When I was conducting research for my dissertation, interviewing WWII war brides, I became keenly aware that not all wedding stories end in white dresses and happily ever afters. Actually, I was aware of that long before my research but the heartbreaking stories they told put this truth into sharp focus. Rewinding a bit, I wrote my master’s thesis on second and subsequent weddings and what brides chose to wear to those weddings…which is such an interesting subject! I digress…back to Lies in White Dresses by Sofia Grant. I love that title, it is about three women and the marriages that weren’t what they expected. Scroll down to read more about this book.

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From the publisher:

Francie Meeker and Vi Carothers were sold a bill of goods: find a man, marry him in a white wedding gown, and live happily ever after. These best friends never expected to be on the train to Reno, those “lies in white dresses” shattered, their marriages over.

On board the train they meet June Samples, who is fleeing an abusive husband with her daughter, and take the vulnerable young mother under their wing.  The three decide to wait out the required six weeks together, and then they can toss their wedding bands into the Truckee River and start new lives as divorcees.

But as they settle in at the ranch, one shocking moment will change their lives forever. As it brings their deceptions and fears into focus, it will also demand a reckoning with the past, and the choices that a person in love can be driven to make.

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