Happy 3rd Blogiversary, Hasty Book List
Happy 3rd Blogiversary, Hasty Book List!
A Year in Review...
A Year in Review: Hasty Book List celebrates its 3rd Blogiversary
Your 5 Favorite Books:
The Address by Fiona Davis (a post from 2017!)
Don’t Put the Boats Away by Ames Sheldon (the only book feature to make this list)
A Year in Review: Hasty Book List celebrates its 3rd Blogiversary
My Top 5 Blogging Moments:
My SECOND in-conversation with Fiona Davis at the St. Louis County Library
My In-Conversation with Melanie Benjamin at the St. Louis County Library
The Book Blogging 101 program I led at the St. Charles Library
The Virtual Book Club discussing Park Avenue Summer by Renee Rosen, when I finally got to e-meet Renee Rosen after being social media friends for years
Attending the Unbound Book Festival in Columbia, MO for the first time and hanging out with Lynda Loigman
A Year in Review: Hasty Book List celebrates its 3rd Blogiversary
Your 5 Favorite Lists:
5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For (a favorite from last year, too)
25 Authors and their Favorite Decades in Fashion History (one of my all-time favorites, too!)
5 Best Coffee Shops in Chicago to Read a Book (a post from 2017…time to update, maybe?)
A Year in Review: Hasty Book List celebrates its 3rd Blogiversary
A Year in Review: Hasty Book List celebrates its 3rd Blogiversary
Your 5 Favorite Author Interviews:
Lisa Jewell (a favorite from last year, too!)