Happy 3rd Blogiversary, Hasty Book List


Welcome to Hasty Book List, where I document and review the books I read. Hope you have a nice stay!

Happy 3rd Blogiversary, Hasty Book List

Happy 3rd Blogiversary, Hasty Book List

Happy 3rd Blogiversary, Hasty Book List!

A Year in Review...

A Year in Review: Hasty Book List celebrates its 3rd Blogiversary

A Year in Review: Hasty Book List celebrates its 3rd Blogiversary

Your 5 Favorite Books:

A Year in Review: Hasty Book List celebrates its 3rd Blogiversary

A Year in Review: Hasty Book List celebrates its 3rd Blogiversary

My Top 5 Blogging Moments:

  1. My SECOND in-conversation with Fiona Davis at the St. Louis County Library

  2. My In-Conversation with Melanie Benjamin at the St. Louis County Library

  3. The Book Blogging 101 program I led at the St. Charles Library

  4. The Virtual Book Club discussing Park Avenue Summer by Renee Rosen, when I finally got to e-meet Renee Rosen after being social media friends for years

  5. Attending the Unbound Book Festival in Columbia, MO for the first time and hanging out with Lynda Loigman

A Year in Review: Hasty Book List celebrates its 3rd Blogiversary

A Year in Review: Hasty Book List celebrates its 3rd Blogiversary

Your 5 Favorite Lists:

A Year in Review: Hasty Book List celebrates its 3rd Blogiversary

A Year in Review: Hasty Book List celebrates its 3rd Blogiversary

A Year in Review: Hasty Book List celebrates its 3rd Blogiversary

A Year in Review: Hasty Book List celebrates its 3rd Blogiversary

Your 5 Favorite Author Interviews:

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
In Five Years

In Five Years

Erica Boyce

Erica Boyce