How to Make the Best Challah Bread You've Ever Tasted


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How to Make the Best Challah Bread You've Ever Tasted: A Guest Post by Suzanne Feldman

How to Make the Best Challah Bread You've Ever Tasted: A Guest Post by Suzanne Feldman

I’m on maternity leave! During this time, a few of my favorite authors offered to step up and write guest posts so that this blog would remain active while I adjust to my new role as a mother. I may also be a bit slower to respond. Thanks for understanding and for being so supportive of me, my family, and my blog. Want to donate a few dollars to keep this blog running or perhaps contribute to my diaper fund? You can do so on Venmo or Paypal.

PS - Today is my due date!

How to Make the Best Challah Bread You've Ever Tasted: A Guest Post by Suzanne Feldman

Suzanne Feldman shares a video and instructions on how to make two loaves of braided challah. It's Such Amazing Bread, and even more amazingly, you can do the two rises in your microwave!

How to Make the Best Challah Bread You've Ever Tasted: A Guest Post by Suzanne Feldman

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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Ryan Jacobson

Ryan Jacobson