A Day in the Life of an Author: A Guest Post by Eliza Knight
I’m on maternity leave! During this time, a few of my favorite authors offered to step up and write guest posts so that this blog would remain active while I adjust to my new role as a mother. I may also be a bit slower to respond. Thanks for understanding and for being so supportive of me, my family, and my blog. Want to donate a few dollars to keep this blog running or perhaps contribute to my diaper fund? You can do so on Venmo or Paypal.
A Day in the Life of an Author: A Guest Post by Eliza Knight
I would love to say I spend all day in a turret that is only accessed by a secret hidden doorway through a bookshelf, staring out at a beautiful landscape while writing, and that every word flies off my fingers without a hitch. While that is the ideal dream of this writer, it is not the reality at all. Though I'm not complaining, I will have a secret library in my house one day – goals!
So here it is, in all its ugly glory, a day in my life, a full-time fiction writer and podcaster.
My alarm goes off every Monday-Friday at 6am. I refuse to wake up with your typical eh-eh-eh annoying sound, so instead, I wake up to a classical rendition of Amazing Grace. Its soft notes pull me out of sleep. And then, I lay in bed for 15 minutes checking emails and social media before I get up to wash my face, brush my teeth, and put on my workout clothes. My dogs, creatures of habit like me, start heading to the back staircase to await my descent, where they greet me with morning growls and licks. It's adorable.
A Day in the Life of an Author: A Guest Post by Eliza Knight
While they are outside doing their business, I make them breakfast, and usually pack two of my three children's lunches (my oldest lives away at college). I chat with them while I feed the dogs, and then a few days a week, I do a 20-30 min strength workout. Lately, it's either been barre, pilates, or weight training on the Peloton app. After I sweat, I make my protein coffee. As my kids roll out of the house for school, I head to my office, where I turn on music to drown out my husband's conference calls (his office is right above mine). LOL.
By 7:30, I'm into my first writing sprint with several of my author friends. We set a time, and a goal, and check in with each other at the end. Nothing like presenting to someone else what you've accomplished (or not!). Seriously, it is great motivation!
A Day in the Life of an Author: A Guest Post by Eliza Knight
Each sprint is typically 45-60 min, with a 15 min break at the end that I use to complete household chores and stretch. My best writing and creative time are in the morning, so it's ideal for me to write new words on my current manuscript. But I can only do it for about 3 hours before I feel fried. Depending on the project, my word goal for the day may be 1500 to 3000 words.
By about 10 or 11, my brain needs a serious break, and the hounds know it. They get antsy by the front door. I put on their leashes, set up whatever podcast or audiobook I'm going to listen to, and we go for a long walk.
A Day in the Life of an Author: A Guest Post by Eliza Knight
After I return home, it's time for lunch. This is usually when I spend time reading as I munch on a big salad or leftovers from the night before. After lunch, I shower and get ready for the day. Unless it's Friday. If it's Friday, I take my walk earlier in the morning and then get ready before noon for the day because Fridays are Date Lunch with my hubby days.
By 1 or 1:30pm, I'm back at my desk for the planning and business parts of my day. This means: working on book plotting/research/edits, zoom calls, answering emails, social media marketing, book marketing, writing scripts for podcasts, recording podcasts, editing podcasts, putting together prize packages for readers, etc...
I try to be finished working by 5-6pm four days a week—necessary because of my kid's sports, and I love to watch them play. One day a week, I call it quits in the early afternoon so I can get some errands done.
I like to have dinner with my family in the evenings that aren't filled with sports, and we usually watch a television show or movie together. If it's nice out, we might take a night walk. About once a month, I go out with my "mom" friends or to a book club. I'm in bed by 9:30 and usually read for about an hour before bed.
A Day in the Life of an Author: A Guest Post by Eliza Knight
I try to save my weekends for family time. But if I haven't finished my weekly goals, I'll play catch-up Saturday morning or assess if it can be pushed to the following week. Once a month, on Sunday morning, I record several podcast episodes with friends.
I am a creature of habit and structure. I live by my planners, spreadsheets, and whiteboards. But I deviate from the plan every once in a while if a friend wants to have lunch or coffee or I'm at a writer's retreat or conference. And about once a week, I meet up with a book club that's requested me for a chat. When I'm on vacation—I do nothing but READ! Reading is my favorite!
What surprises people the most about my work week is that about half of every day spent working isn't on writing. The second thing that surprises them is how many hours I work. I sometimes experience burnout and have to take off a week or two before I collapse—or sometimes on a random day. Burnout in the writing industry is real, and it can crush creativity and productivity. So if I start to feel myself edging toward it, I back off and let my brain have a break.
Some things I like to do for fun besides reading are: wine tasting, hiking, puzzles, baking, chatting with my friends, going to the bookstore, taking an adventure to a new park or historical site, farmer's markets, and playing board games. And I especially look forward to December when my schedule thins out, and I get to spend more time with family and watching holiday movies!
A Day in the Life of an Author: A Guest Post by Eliza Knight
Author Bio:
Eliza Knight is an award-winning, USA Today and international bestselling author. Eliza is an avid history buff, and true crime obsessed. Her love of history began as a young girl when she traipsed the halls of Versailles. She is a member of the Historical Novel Society and Novelists, Inc., the creator of the popular historical blog, History Undressed, a co-host on the History, Books and Wine podcast and a co-host for the true crime podcast, Crime Feast. Knight lives in Maryland with her husband, three daughters, two dogs and a turtle.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/elizaknightfiction
Twitter: @ElizaKnight
Instagram: @ElizaKnightFiction
TikTok: @ElizaKnightAuthor
Goodreads: goodreads.com/elizaknight
My Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/eknightbookclub/
Website: www.elizaknight.com
History Undressed Blog: www.historyundressed.com
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A Day in the Life of an Author: A Guest Post by Eliza Knight