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Gazelle in the Shadows

Gazelle in the Shadows

Gazelle in the Shadows

Book Feature - Gazelle in the Shadows by Michelle Peach

Book Feature - Gazelle in the Shadows by Michelle Peach

HBL Note: It sounds to me like Elisabeth, the main character in this book, has a bit of wanderlust and is enjoying her time in Damascus to immerse herself in their language and culture. At this point I’m just a tad bit envious of Elizabeth - I would love to be back in college where travel and experiencing the world are all I needed to worry about. But then Elizabeth gets caught up in secrets, lies, and murder. And I’m like yep, I’ll just read about Elizabeth rather than trading places with her. Ha!

Book Feature - Gazelle in the Shadows by Michelle Peach

Book Feature - Gazelle in the Shadows by Michelle Peach

From the Publisher:

In the mid 90s, Elizabeth Booth is a young British college student studying Arabic at Durham University. With some travel and work already under her belt, she excels at her studies and is sent to Damascus to immerse herself in the language. Taken aback by the generosity and kindness of the people there, she easy slips into a life in the ancient city. She has friends, her studies, and even a handsome boyfriend. But things aren't always what they seem. Soon, in a world where mistrust and disloyalty are commonplace, Elizabeth finds herself navigating a web of lies, betrayals, and even murder involving MI6, deadly terrorist factions, and the shadowy Syrian secret police.

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Michelle Peach

Michelle Peach

Therese Anne Fowler

Therese Anne Fowler