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Effective Tips on How to Read More Books This Year

Effective Tips on How to Read More Books This Year

Effective Tips on How to Read More Books This Year

Struggling to read more books amidst a busy life? You’re in the right place. This article offers practical strategies on how to read more books, no matter how hectic your schedule is. From making reading a daily habit to utilizing downtime efficiently, you’ll find actionable tips to incorporate reading into your everyday life seamlessly.

Key takeaways

  • Establish a daily reading habit by starting small and gradually incorporating more time into your routine to prioritize reading.

  • Create a cozy, distraction-free reading environment that enhances focus and enjoyment while exploring different formats like audiobooks and eBooks.

  • Engage with a reading community or challenges to stay motivated and reflect on your reading journey for a more fulfilling experience.

Make reading a daily habit

Establishing a reading habit is the first step to reading more books this year. Treat reading as a non-negotiable part of your routine, much like brushing your teeth. Integrating reading into your daily schedule makes it a priority rather than an afterthought.

Start small to build momentum. Begin with just 10-15 minutes of reading each day. This approach is manageable and helps you gradually integrate reading into your life without feeling overwhelmed. A timer, such as the Pomodoro technique, can facilitate focused reading sessions and help maintain consistency.

Start with lighter reading materials to keep the habit sustainable. Easy-to-digest books make the process enjoyable and less daunting. Over time, you’ll find it easier to tackle more complex reads and read more books throughout the year.

Create a cozy reading environment

A comfortable and inviting reading environment can significantly enhance your reading experience. Designate a specific corner in your home as a reading nook. This space should be free from distractions and equipped with comfortable seating to promote relaxation and focus.

Enhance the ambiance with ambient lighting, cozy blankets, and personalized touches. Soft lamps or string lights create a warm atmosphere while draping blankets over your bed evoke a nostalgic, cozy feeling.

Keeping the area clutter-free will further enhance your productivity and relaxation while reading.

Utilize downtime efficiently

Finding pockets of time throughout your day to read can help you fit more books into your schedule. Utilize downtime efficiently, such as during commutes, waiting rooms, or waiting in line at the grocery store. These moments, often seen as wasted time, can add up to significant reading sessions over a week.

Audiobooks are a fantastic way to maximize reading time during activities that don’t allow for holding a book. Whether you’re driving, walking the dog, or folding laundry, audiobooks can transform mundane tasks into opportunities for literary enrichment. Apps like Headway offer audio versions of book summaries, providing essential insights in about 15 minutes.

Always have something to read by keeping books in different locations. Place one in your bag, another on your nightstand, and perhaps one in the living room. This way, you can easily grab a book and read anytime.

Pair reading with daily activities

Pair reading with morning coffee or bedtime to establish a consistent habit. This routine makes reading a natural part of your day and allows you to naturally fall into a relaxing start or end to your daily routine.

Incorporate reading during household tasks or crafts. For example, listen to an audiobook while cooking or cleaning. Placing books in accessible locations around the home encourages spontaneous reading and makes it easier to grab a book whenever you have a free moment.

Explore book summaries and tools

Book summaries are a great way to quickly absorb the main ideas of a book when short on time. They provide essential insights and themes, allowing you to get the gist of the book in a fraction of the time it would take to read the entire text. Apps like Headway simplify this process by offering 15-minute summaries you can listen to or read during short breaks.

Book summaries in the Headway app can help you decide if you want to dive deeper into the full book or if the summary suffices for your needs. This approach effectively manages your reading time, ensuring you invest time in books that truly interest you.

Choose books that interest you

One of the best ways to maintain a reading habit is to choose books that interest you. This alleviates the pressure and makes the reading experience enjoyable. Avoid feeling obligated to read certain books because they are popular or critically acclaimed. Instead, focus on genres and topics that resonate with you.

Maintaining a reading list aligns your choices with your interests and goals. Explore different genres and alternate between them based on your mood to keep the experience fresh and exciting. This variety sustains your interest and helps you read more books throughout the year.

Keep a running list of books

A running list of books you want to read ensures you never run out of options. This list serves as a constant source of inspiration and motivation, helping you stay on track with your reading goals. It also prevents impulsive purchases of new titles that may not be as relevant to your interests.

Create a separate category for unfinished books to manage your list without pressure to complete every title. If you decide not to finish a book, consider donating it to benefit others who might enjoy it. This practice keeps your list manageable and focuses on books that interest you.

Mix up your formats

Various formats like physical books, eBooks, and audiobooks cater to different preferences and enhance the reading experience. Audiobooks offer a convenient way to consume literature, especially during commutes or while multitasking. Physical books provide a tangible connection that digital formats cannot replicate in book form.

Switching between formats maintains interest and adaptability in different reading environments. Use a mix of physical books, eBooks, audiobooks, and book summaries to keep the reading experience varied and engaging.

Improve your reading speed

Improving your reading speed helps you read more books in less time. Techniques like pacing, skimming, and scanning facilitate faster reading without sacrificing comprehension. Using a finger or pen as a guide can help maintain focus and increase speed by tracking progress along the text.

Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you. Over time, you’ll develop a reading rhythm that allows you to absorb information quickly and efficiently, enabling you to tackle more books.

Read multiple books simultaneously

Reading multiple books simultaneously keeps your reading experience dynamic and prevents boredom. Different books cater to different moods and occasions, providing a variety of options to suit your needs. This approach also helps eliminate decision fatigue, making it easier to pick up a number of books and start reading.

Consider having different types of books for different situations. Audiobooks and physical books are great for commutes, while short stories and non-fiction essays work well for bedtime. This variety ensures you always have a book that fits your current mood and circumstances.

Be willing to quit books

It’s perfectly acceptable to abandon books that do not capture your interest. Forcing yourself to finish a book you’re not enjoying can diminish your overall reading experience. Being willing to quit books that don’t resonate allows you to free up time for better reading choices.

With hundreds of thousands of books published each year, there’s no need to finish every book you start. Embrace the Did Not Finish practice and be ruthless about stopping books that don’t engage you.

Track your reading progress

Tracking your reading progress significantly increases your chances of reaching your reading goals. It fosters a sense of achievement and keeps you motivated to continue reading. Apps like Goodreads and Bookly help you track what you’ve read, set reading goals, and even gamify the reading experience with rewards for achievements.

Setting achievable daily reading goals further motivates you to integrate reading into your routine. This structured approach helps manage and monitor multiple books being read at the same time, ensuring you stay on track with your reading goals.

Join reading challenges

Participating in reading challenges keeps you motivated and engaged. These challenges often come with specific themes or objectives that encourage the exploration of new literature and genres. Incentives such as prizes can significantly enhance engagement and participation.

Setting clear objectives for reading challenges helps guide participants and boosts motivation. Joining a reading challenge can improve your independent reading habits and keep you motivated to read more books throughout the year.

Celebrate milestones

Recognizing and celebrating reading milestones enhances motivation and reinforces the effort involved in reading. Simple actions like sharing your success with friends or treating yourself make the accomplishment feel rewarding.

Celebrating achievements cultivates a lifelong appreciation for books and encourages continued reading.

Eliminate distractions

A focused environment enhances reading efficiency. Select a quiet and well-lit space to read, as this significantly improves concentration. Turning off electronic devices and using apps to limit phone use can further minimize distractions.

Setting a timer for distraction-free reading sessions helps maintain focus. Committing to a set period of uninterrupted reading maximizes your reading time and enhances overall productivity.

Read in short bursts

Reading in brief intervals can accumulate significant reading time over days and weeks. Reading for just a few minutes during lunch breaks, while waiting in line, or during other idle moments contributes to your overall reading goal. Maximizing these unconventional moments maintains a consistent reading practice.

Frequent short reading sessions keep your mind engaged and reduce stress. These brief intervals refresh your mind and reduce monotony, making reading a more enjoyable and sustainable habit. Incorporating reading into short periods can be an effective way to maintain reading habits.

Engage with a reading community

Engaging with a reading community, such as a book club, enhances your reading life by providing motivation and accountability. Book clubs offer a supportive setting for discussing and reflecting on books, deepening your appreciation for literature, and improving communication skills.

Participating in book discussions promotes critical thinking and broader perspectives by exploring diverse human experiences through literature. Platforms like Goodreads and The StoryGraph are popular places where readers can engage with a community and share their reading experiences.

Reflect on your reading journey

Reflecting on your reading journey can guide future reading choices and foster a deeper appreciation for the reading habit. Embrace all experiences and find solace in the journey, not obsessing over the destination. This mindset encourages a healthy reading habit that is both enjoyable and fulfilling.

Recognize when a book isn’t enjoyable and stop reading it, as this is a form of self-care. Reflecting on what you’ve read can help you make more informed choices about future reading, ensuring that you continue to enjoy and benefit from your reading habit.


Reading more books this year is entirely possible with the right strategies in place. You can seamlessly integrate reading into your busy life by making reading a daily habit, creating a cozy reading environment, utilizing downtime, and exploring various formats and tools. Tracking your progress, joining reading challenges, and celebrating milestones will keep you motivated and on track.

Start implementing these tips today by setting aside dedicated reading time, trying book summaries, or integrating reading into your daily routine. With a little effort and smart planning, you can make reading a rewarding and consistent part of your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find time to read with a busy schedule?

You can easily find time to read by using those little moments in your day, like commutes or waiting in line, and even listening to audiobooks while doing chores. It’s all about making the most of your downtime!

What if I don't enjoy a book I'm reading?

If you're not enjoying a book, go ahead and put it down! Life's too short to spend time on something that doesn't spark joy for you.

How can I improve my reading speed?

Try techniques like skimming, scanning, and using a pointer to boost your reading speed to maintain focus. These methods can enhance your pace while still keeping your understanding intact.

What are some tools to help track my reading progress?

Goodreads and Bookly are fantastic tools for tracking your reading progress, setting goals, and making the experience fun with rewards. Give them a try to stay motivated!

How can I stay motivated to read more books?

To stay motivated to read more books, join reading challenges, and connect with a community of fellow readers. Celebrating your reading milestones can also keep the excitement going!

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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