Watching You


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Watching You

Watching You

Book Review - Watching You by Lisa Jewell

Join us for January’s Virtual Book Club discussing Watching You by Lisa Jewell! As always, you are welcome to join even if you haven't finished (or started!) the book. Pour yourself a glass of wine and login to a friendly, casual discussion centered around books and reading. Click here for more information about how to log in.

Reading Watching You by Lisa Jewell at Sirena del Mar in Cabo, Mexico

Reading Watching You by Lisa Jewell at Sirena del Mar in Cabo, Mexico

Lisa Jewell first came on my radar when I selected Then She Was Gone as my Book of the Month book over the summer. She did a great job developing suspense so I was excited to hear she had another book coming out so soon! Watching You is about a group of neighbors who have an intertwined past that is slowly revealed throughout the book. We don’t know the full extent of how each character knows one another, or how well they know one another, until the very end. The main characters include a well-known teacher who has close (too close?) relationships with students, a current student who is concerned about how close her friend is getting with her teacher, and a newly married woman who is trying to “grow up” and get her life together but finds herself with a major crush on the teacher. This is a super simplification of the plot and there are many other characters who play key roles, but you get the idea!

Reading Watching You by Lisa Jewell at Sirena del Mar in Cabo, Mexico

Reading Watching You by Lisa Jewell at Sirena del Mar in Cabo, Mexico

Similarly to Then She Was Gone, Watching You is a domestic suspense novel that keeps the pages turning. About half-way through the book I was thinking to myself What is happening? Where is this going? There was a lot of development of the story that needed to take place before anything significant happened. For me, the build up took too long. For a domestic suspense there wasn’t much suspense in the first half of the book. I just think laying the foundation of the story took too long. But once the pieces started fitting together the plot became much more interesting. The last page was the real shocker, a bomb I wasn’t really expecting. It left me with a lot of questions at the end!

Reading Watching You by Lisa Jewell at Sirena del Mar in Cabo, Mexico

Reading Watching You by Lisa Jewell at Sirena del Mar in Cabo, Mexico

I enjoyed reading this one - it was quick and easy. I’m not sure the suspense in this book was as strong as it was in Then She Was Gone. But Lisa Jewell definitely has a talent in developing complex characters with dark and twisty pasts. I liked how their backgrounds overlapped in a variety of ways and how they all ended up together at the same place and time. I’m excited to talk to you all about what you thought of this one! Did you see it coming? Who did you suspect and when? Can’t wait to see you on January 30 at 7pm Central to discuss Watching You by Lisa Jewell!

Reading Watching You by Lisa Jewell at Sirena del Mar in Cabo, Mexico

Reading Watching You by Lisa Jewell at Sirena del Mar in Cabo, Mexico

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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