
Welcome to Hasty Book List, where I document and review the books I read. Hope you have a nice stay!

This is How it Always Is

This is How it Always Is

Book Review - This is How it Always Is by Laurie Frankel

Book Review - This is How it Always Is by Laurie Frankel

Book Review - This is How it Always Is by Laurie Frankel

One of the best things that happened to me since moving to St. Louis is finding my book club. We are a diverse group of women in many ways: age, religion, the way we grew up, where we’re from, what we are interested in, occupations, kids/no kids, married/single, etc. Sometimes I wonder how I fit into this group then I look around and wonder how any of us fit into this group. Some of us are closer to each other than others but on book club night we all come together from our various lives and discuss a book. It is fascinating to just sit back and watch each member provide their perspective of the story. Sometimes I don’t want to interrupt with my own thoughts, I just want to listen to everyone else. It seems all of our members have rather strong opinions, which can be brutal when you’re the one who suggested the book (or the only one who liked the book.) I once got called out on not contributing, partly because I wasn’t feeling well and partly because I got so lost in my thoughts as others shared. That’s the introvert in me, I suppose. This book was a suggestion of that book club.

Book Review - This is How it Always Is by Laurie Frankel

Book Review - This is How it Always Is by Laurie Frankel

This is How it Always Is by Laurie Frankel is one of the books we all enjoyed. It is about two parents raising their children, one of whom happens to be transgender. Rosie’s youngest son, from a very young age, wants to play with dolls and wear dresses. Born Claude, he prefers to go by Poppy. He has every advantage in the world: supportive and understanding parents who are willing to let him wear what he wants, a school that has a plan in place for transgender students, friends who don’t care what he wears or chooses to play with. But of course, he also faces pushback: from a less-than-understanding teacher and a violent, homophobic parent of a friend. This book will repeatedly break your heart and put it back together again. As someone who does not yet have children, I am shocked that anyone would voluntarily take on the heartache that is parenthood. The weight of responsibility seems crushing. I lost track of the number of times I cried and the number of times I thought to myself, someone needs to introduce this kid to Jonathan Van Ness.

Book Review - This is How it Always Is by Laurie Frankel

Book Review - This is How it Always Is by Laurie Frankel

I wish everyone would read this book. I think Reese Witherspoon said it best when she chose this book for her HelloSunshine Book Club pick, “Every once in a while, I read a book that opens my eyes in a way I never expected.” This book opened my eyes to parenthood, transgender children, Buddhist culture, and the power of fairytales. Please go read this book and have your eyes opened, too.

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Laurie Frankel

Laurie Frankel

5 Books to Read over Thanksgiving Break

5 Books to Read over Thanksgiving Break