The Grace Kelly Dress
Book Review - The Grace Kelly Dress by Brenda Janowitz
Book Review - The Grace Kelly Dress by Brenda Janowitz
Last week I read The Girl in White Gloves by Kerri Maher, a book about the life of Grace Kelly. So you may be surprised that this week I’m reviewing The Grace Kelly Dress by Brend Janowitz. Two Grace Kelly books in a row, Ashley? Aren’t we a little Grace Kelly-ed out? My answer is twofold - can we ever really get too much of Grace Kelly? I think not. But also, The Grace Kelly Dress by Brenda Janowitz has very little to do with Grace Kelly.
Book Review - The Grace Kelly Dress by Brenda Janowitz
This book is actually about a wedding dress inspired by Grace Kelly’s wedding dress. The author jumps around in time from the grandmother’s wedding (where the dress originated) to the mother’s wedding (where the dress was altered to reflect the latest royal wedding, that of Princess Diana to Prince Charles) to the granddaughter’s wedding (who doesn’t really want to wear the dress because it isn’t her style.) The book is mostly about these three women, their relationship with one another as well as meeting and marrying the loves of their lives.
Book Review - The Grace Kelly Dress by Brenda Janowitz
The Grace Kelly Dress by Brenda Janowitz was a really cute, feel-good book that had some great factoids about the construction of Grace Kelly’s dress that, as a fashion historian, I found interesting. But if you are just dipping your toe into the historical fiction genre, this would be a great book for you because it doesn’t dive deep into historic facts like The Girl in White Gloves did.