The Fountains of Silence
Book Review - The Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys
Book Review - The Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys
I chose this book from Book of The Month (click here to join for just $5!) in October after returning from my trip to Spain. I’ve read two books set in Spain…in recent memory: The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon prior to leaving on our vacation and The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway while in Spain. I wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to Spain so when I saw The Fountains of Silence pop up as a choice in October, I didn’t even think about it. I just clicked “add to cart” and it was on its way to me. Looking back now at some of my other choices that month, the books look good and I may end up going back and ordering one of those, too!
Book Review - The Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys
The Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys takes place during Franco’s reign. It follows eighteen-year-old Daniel Matheson on his first visit to Spain with his family in 1957. While staying at a luxury hotel, he meets and falls in love with Ana, one of the hotel employees. Daniel struggles with whether to follow his dream of becoming a photographer or pleasing his father and joining his oil business. Ana struggles with following her heart to Daniel risking a job she needs to help support her family.
Book Review - The Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys
I ended up listening to this book via audiobook. (We’ll hear more about the narrator in tomorrow’s post!) I love that the narrator had an authentic Spanish accent which added a little something to the story. The book, however, was great. I loved learning more about what it was like to live in Spain during the fascist dictatorship of General Francisco Franco both from the American tourist side and the Spanish native side. The book touched on one of Ernest Hemingway’s favorite subjects: bullfighting. I thought the author did a great job describing the art, physicality, and danger of the sport. It reminded me a lot of the way Ernest Hemingway described it in The Sun Also Rises.