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Grown up Pose

Grown up Pose

Book Review - Grown up Pose by Sonya Lalli

Book Review - Grown up Pose by Sonya Lalli

Book Review - Grown up Pose by Sonya Lalli

I remember hearing all about THE MATCHMAKER’S LIST last year when it first came out. My reading schedule was full that time of year so I didn’t get to read it myself, but I made note of the author and was thrilled to hear she had a new book coming out this year: Grown Up Pose. When asked if I was interested in a review copy, I jumped at the chance to read it.

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Book Review - Grown up Pose by Sonya Lalli

Book Review - Grown up Pose by Sonya Lalli

Grown Up Pose by Sonya Lalli is about Anu Desai, a young Indian-Canadian woman trying to balance the expectations of her family and her own happiness. She and her husband are separated after she grew tired of him not helping around the house and being irresponsible, like leaving the front door open in the dead of winter. Anu’s mother and mother-in-law both seem disappointed in her breaking up the family, dating other people, traveling to foreign countries at the drop of a hat, and buying a yoga studio on a whim. But Anu is tired of living for other people’s expectations and is determined to find happiness of her own.

Book Review - Grown up Pose by Sonya Lalli

Book Review - Grown up Pose by Sonya Lalli

I thought this was a really cute novel that I think a lot of moms/wives/women could relate to. I also learned a little about Indian culture and expectations and I loved reading about Indian food (made a list of dishes I should try the next time I go to…or order from… an Indian restaurant.) I’m enjoying the influx (finally!) of characters with diverse backgrounds in contemporary novels. I’m sure women with Indian backgrounds enjoy seeing their culture reflected in literature, but I enjoy the opportunity to read about women with backgrounds different from my own grappling with themes we can all relate to.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
Sonya Lalli

Sonya Lalli

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