Book Jacket Designs by Dominique Jones


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Dominique Jones

Dominique Jones

Judge a Book By Its Cover - Book Jacket Designs by Dominique Jones:

 Dominique Jones is a book cover designer at Dutton, a division at Penguin Random House. She is also the founder of a community group Blk + Brwn Book Dessigners, where they highlight, share and connect with other designers of color in the publishing industry.

Judge a Book By Its Cover - Book Jacket Designs by Dominique Jones

Judge a Book By Its Cover - Book Jacket Designs by Dominique Jones

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Inspiration for The Hierarchies by Ros Anderson:

It's so hard to choose my favorite design thus far but if I had to choose it would be The Hierarchies. The design was inspired by the main character and as she continues to learn about the human world she has this feeling of grave danger coming her way. So creating something beautiful yet distributive seemed like the best way to show on the cover. Plus with the help of my Art Director, he definitely helped me nail this one.

Judge a Book By Its Cover - Book Jacket Designs by Dominique Jones

Judge a Book By Its Cover - Book Jacket Designs by Dominique Jones

Other book jackets by Dominique Jones:

Judge a Book By Its Cover - Book Jacket Designs by Dominique Jones

Judge a Book By Its Cover - Book Jacket Designs by Dominique Jones

Judge a Book By Its Cover - Book Jacket Designs by Dominique Jones

Judge a Book By Its Cover - Book Jacket Designs by Dominique Jones

Judge a Book By Its Cover - Book Jacket Designs by Dominique Jones

Judge a Book By Its Cover - Book Jacket Designs by Dominique Jones

Other work by Dominique Jones:

I've been really into collages and photography lately. It definitely helps me get out of a creative block and it's fun, so why not!

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