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The Liz Taylor Ring

The Liz Taylor Ring

Book Feature - The Liz Taylor Ring by Brenda Janowitz

HBL Note: I am loving the direction Brenda Janowitz’s books are going lately. Her previous novel was THE GRACE KELLY DRESS about a wedding dress inspired by Grace Kelly’s wedding dress. One dress. Three generations of women. A lifetime of love. THE LIZ TAYLOR RING about a ring that looked just like the one Liz Taylor received from Richard Burton after their separation. Three siblings. A priceless family ring. One legendary love story. Neither story has much to do about the famous person in the title, but they are no less entertaining for it. I enjoy reading about the fictional characters in the book even more than I would have enjoyed reading about the real-life celebrity. Scroll down to read more about Brenda Janowitz’s latest novel, THE LIZ TAYLOR RING.

Book Feature - The Liz Taylor Ring by Brenda Janowitz

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Book Feature - The Liz Taylor Ring by Brenda Janowitz

From the publisher:

In 1978, Lizzie Morgan and Ritchie Schneider embark on a whirlwind romance on the bright beaches and glamorous yachts of Long Island. Over the years, their relationship has its share of ups and downs, including a nine-month hiatus that ends with a stunning eleven-carat ring—one that looks just like the diamond Richard Burton gifted Liz Taylor after their own separation. Like the famous couple, despite the drama that would unfold throughout the Schneiders’ marriage, the ring would be there as a symbol of their love…until it wasn't.

Decades later, when the lost ring unexpectedly resurfaces, the Schneiders’ three children gather under one roof for the first time in years, eager to get their hands on this beloved, expensive reminder of their departed parents. But determining the fate of the heirloom is no simple task, unearthing old wounds and heartaches the siblings can't ignore. And when the ring reveals a secret that challenges everything they thought they knew about their parents’ epic love story, they’ll have to decide whether to move forward as a family or let the ring break them once and for all.

Book Feature - The Liz Taylor Ring by Brenda Janowitz

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Preview of The Liz Taylor Ring by Brenda Janowitz

Preview of The Liz Taylor Ring by Brenda Janowitz

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