Book Feature - Nod by J.M. Stephen
HBL Note: Centering around themes of coming of age, the creation of a civilization, and looking at a largely male-dominated story from a woman's point of view, Nod by J.M. Stephen is about Lailah, a woman who will become the Biblical Cain's Wife. Though the book is inspired by Abel and Cain, it is not religious. Rather, it is a science fiction/fantasy story, a bit in the vein of Clan of the Cavebear in that it deals with a primitive society. Intrigued? Scroll down to read more.
Book Feature - Nod by J.M. Stephen
Book Feature - Nod by J.M. Stephen
From the publisher:
"And Cain left the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden." - Genesis 4:16
Nod is never mentioned again in the Bible. Where was it? Where did the people of Nod come from? What became of Cain? Now we have the story of Nod, as told through the eyes of Lailah, the first person to encounter Cain outside of his family. The story of Cain and Abel is brought alive, and the aftermath examined in a way never before told. But more than that we get the story of a primitive people becoming aware of the world around them.
Book Feature - Nod by J.M. Stephen