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Love, Only Better

Love, Only Better

Book Feature - Love, Only Better by Paulette Stout

HBL Note: I “met” Paulette through a writers group on Facebook. She posted a version of her book cover and asked for feedback. It was fun to guess what the book was about based on just the two characters on the front and their body language. I reached out at the time and told Paulette I’d love to feature her book when it came out…I can’t believe that time is finally here! LOVE, ONLY BETTER is a sex-positive, empowering novel about common female issues that are rarely discussed and certainly not written about in novels. Kudos to Paulette for wrapping this issue in a charming novel. Scroll down to read more.

Book Feature - Love, Only Better by Paulette Stout

Book Feature - Love, Only Better by Paulette Stout

Book Feature - Love, Only Better by Paulette Stout

Book Feature - Love, Only Better by Paulette Stout

From the publisher:

For Rebecca, sex is a joke missing a punchline. No crashing waves. Only pangs of inadequacy. At twenty-eight, shouldn’t she have had one by now? Her snickering ex thought so. His taunts echo in her ears as he rolls out of her bed. Then out of her life.

Lost, Rebecca seeks expert help, joining a study for women who can’t “finish” in the bedroom. There is such a thing? It’s unconventional, for sure, but she’s desperate for answers. The no-sex mandate is a no brainer. Who’d want to be with her anyway?

Then Kyle moves in. Her blue-eyed, black motorcycle-riding dream of a neighbor lives a heartbeat away. Sparks flew immediately. But could the timing be any worse?

If he learns her secret, she’ll lose her best chance at love. But if her lessons fail, she’ll be left eternally broken. Unlovable.

What started as a search for fulfillment, has suddenly become a quest for something far greater.

Book Feature - Love, Only Better by Paulette Stout

Book Feature - Love, Only Better by Paulette Stout

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Paulette Stout

Paulette Stout

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Jean Meltzer