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Into the Unbounded Night

Into the Unbounded Night

Book Feature - Into the Unbounded Night by Mitchell Kaplan

HBL Note: Mitchell James Kaplan’s first novel, By Fire, By Water (Other Press, 2010), won numerous literary awards both domestically and abroad. I am happy to introduce his next novel, Into The Unbounded Night (Regal House), a novel of first-century Rome. I so enjoyed getting to work directly with the author to bring you this feature. Scroll down to read more about this book.

Book Feature -   Into the Unbounded Night by Mitchell Kaplan

Book Feature - Into the Unbounded Night by Mitchell Kaplan

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Book Feature -   Into the Unbounded Night by Mitchell Kaplan

Book Feature - Into the Unbounded Night by Mitchell Kaplan

From the publisher:

INTO THE UNBOUNDED NIGHT follows the lives of five troubled individuals as they struggle for survival and purpose in the first century Roman empire.

The story is primarily seen through the eyes of Aislin, a refugee from Albion; other important characters include Yohanan ben Zakkai, Saul of Tarsus (St. Paul), the emperor Vespasian, and Azazel, a doomed angel. 

Throughout INTO THE UNBOUNDED NIGHT, these characters' lives intertwine in unexpected ways that shed light on colonization and its discontents, the relative values of dominant and tyrannized cultures, the sense of imminent apocalypse, and the holiness of life.
INTO THE UNBOUNDED NIGHT is not only relevant to the world today, it is also a meditation on who we are, the stories we tell, and why we tell them.

Book Feature -   Into the Unbounded Night by Mitchell Kaplan

Book Feature - Into the Unbounded Night by Mitchell Kaplan

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Mitchell James Kaplan

Mitchell James Kaplan

JM Stephen

JM Stephen