Vivian Mae
Author Interview - Vivian Mae
Author of Lawsuit and Leather
It is a slow-burn, angsty, and spicy love triangle between childhood best friends and Hollywood's baddest boy in New York City. Gemma, our main character confessed her love to her best friend Parker, only to be disappointed when he tells her he loves her like a sister. Years after her confession and in the midst of her own failing business, Gemma finds herself penniless and is forced to move in with the man who rejected her so long ago. This proves to be harder than she'd ever anticipate, especially after running into Hollywood Celebrity, Alex Rivers, who turns her world upside down with the promise of making her dreams come true.
Author Interview - Vivian Mae
Author I draw inspiration from: One of the authors I absolutely admire is Jessica Hawkins. Her stories are deep and relatable to me. I love that she doesn't shy away from topics like a character not wanting to have children, because the romance world is saturated with main characters wanting the picture perfect family. To me, family is my husband and to know there are authors that flip the script and make characters that I can relate to, it's admirable and it's something I strive to do in the romance community as well.
Author Interview - Vivian Mae | Author I Draw Inspiration From
Favorite place to read a book: Cuddled up in bed at night! It's my only time to read, unless I'm listening to an audiobook. My favorite part about reading up in my cozy bed is the environment and the mood is creates for reading. Usually the lights are out, it's dark in my room, everything is quiet and I can enjoy time to myself by reading.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: David Dylan from Come Undone, by Jessica Hawkins. Maybe it's because I'm currently re-reading it, but he's such an interesting character. It's not often I meet any architects in real life and aside from David being wildly gorgeous, there's a good substance there for conversation. Being stuck in an elevator wouldn't be super exciting, but talking to him would be.
Author Interview - Vivian Mae | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: 2020. What didn't happen in 2020, right? Much like many other people, I spent the year mostly inside, which lead to more reading and solitary activities. That year was spent with a lot self reflection and ultimately put a lot of things in perspective. I knew I didn't want to just be an office worker for the rest of my life, I wanted to do something both fulfilling and wildly rewarding. From that moment on, I realized I would do anything to make my dreams come true, so I started writing my debut novel. Now I have a 3-4 book series on the way, with Lawsuit and Leather being book one.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Audiobook is my favorite, only because it's the best way I can get reading in. Otherwise, I'm writing 90% of my spare time. What I absolutely love about audiobooks though is how sexy the narrators sounds. Have you heard Priest by Sierra Simone yet? If not, you'll definitely understand the hype for audiobooks. Oof, that narrator did a great job for Father Bell.
The last book I read: I'm guilty of saying it is a re-read. Cityscape Affair by Jessica Hawkins. I can listen to that series or Something in the Way, over and over again by her. The characters are so captivating and the depth of their ARC and character development is not only swoon worthy, but commendable. In the Cityscape Affair series, Olivia meets David, but the problem is that she's married and David isn't going to just let her go. They have an undeniable attraction and seeing how their attraction and storyline grows throughout the trilogy and the topics Jessica Hawkins covers, from infidelity to having children, is remarkable.
Author Interview - Vivian Mae | The Last Book I Read
Pen & paper or computer: Phone or tablet. I'll write on my computer, because sometimes it is easier, however my phone gives me a much different relaxed vibe where I can write without pressure. Especially when I find myself with writer's block, I tend to turn to writing prompts. Those I''ll do in the middle of the night on my phone and it's where I find my creativity again. If my husband is driving and I need to jot down any type of ideas or write a quick scene, my phone gives me that accessibility.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Hands down, Julia, from Burning Little Secrets by Vivian Mae. It's not even because I wrote her at all, there's just something familiar about Julia. She feels like the type of friend that I'd want to be around for. She’s gone through a lot when it comes to her close relationships and reminds me of people we may know in our life that need someone to be there for them, a shoulder to cry on. Also, I like that Julia feels real, she’s not your typical character that has an easy life, she’s endured hardships and I relate to her a lot.
Author Interview - Vivian Mae | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Honestly, I have a day job and while I've been an entrepreneur most of my young adult life, being an author is the one that feels like my true calling.
Favorite decade in fashion history: I love this question, because it feels like a great question for my main character, Gemma, in Lawsuit and Leather. However, for me I absolutely love the 90s punk look or the retro groovy vibe of the late 60s, early 70s. Flared out pants, corduroy, leather jackets, wild textures, and loud prints!
Place I’d most like to travel: I've been itching to visit France. It might be due to my binge watching of Emily in Paris on Netflix, but that's a different story. My all time favorite city I've visited so far is New York and while I want to keep visiting, my next spot will have to be in Europe. And of course be a total tourist at each big city, to see the Eiffel Tower and be inspired, to grab wine from little nooks and crannies in Italy. I want that experience.
My signature drink: If I'm not drinking water, then you may catch me with a glass of wine at home, or if I'm on vacation, you'll catch me with a Long Island ice tea to get that buzz going.
Favorite artist: I'll interpret this as musical artists specifically. This is hard, because I'm one of those people that listen to a lot of different genres. I'm a "mood listener", see what I did there? I mood read and I mood listen. I listen to rock like The Beatles, or pop like Taylor Swift, sometimes I need gritty music like The Weeknd, and a lot of times I need to have peaceful classical music by Ludovico Einaudi. It's the calm I often need in my life.
Number one on my bucket list: Maybe this isn’t a bucket list item per say, but at the very top of my list would be to live in New York with my husband. We love the city and maybe it’s because we don’t live there, but my god… the energy New York City provides is infectious. So much so that writing full time and living in New York City would be a great item to scratch off my list. While would be a dream come true, I know it’ll become a reality, it’s all a matter of when.
Find more from the author:
Instagram: @vivianmaewrites
TikTok: @vivianmaewrites
I use these the most often!
Author Bio: Vivian Mae is a Latina indie author, living out of Phoenix, AZ who writes sexy contemporary romance for her naughty readers.
She is married to her best friend, fulfilling her own trope of best friends to lovers, but also a second chance romance.
When she isn’t writing, you can find her laughing alongside her husband, binging trashy T.V., sneaking chocolates, reading her favorite naughty novels, and dreaming about pizza and wine.