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Umar Turaki

Umar Turaki

Author Interview - Umar Turaki

Author of Such a Beautiful Thing to Behold

An inexplicable sickness. A small town cut off from the world. An unexpected community of survivors forges a family out of the despair, struggling against things known and unknown for survival and hope.

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Author I draw inspiration from: Cormac McCarthy

Author Interview - Umar Turaki | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: On a recliner in my living room.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Albus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

Author Interview - Umar Turaki | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When I realized as a 14-year old that it was possible to write a novel and actually make money from it.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardback

The last book I read: Burning Grass by Cyprian Ekwensi

Author Interview - Umar Turaki | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: Feels like a betrayal of myself, but computer (for now).

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Konstantin Levin from Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Author Interview - Umar Turaki | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: A professional cook.

Favorite decade in fashion history: Whose fashion history?

Place I’d most like to travel: The Mediterranean

My signature drink: Sprite with water and lemon

Favorite artist: It'd be hypocritical of me to pretend like I'm familiar with enough artists to have a favorite. But my friends do really beautiful work: Heraa Khan and Nasim Pirhadi.

Number one on my bucket list: Travel across the Sahara Desert.

Find more from the author:

  • Twitter: @nenrota

  • Instagram: @nenrota

  • Facebook: Facebook.com/umturaki

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Our Little World

Our Little World

Such a Beautiful Thing to Behold

Such a Beautiful Thing to Behold