Tessa Wegert
Author Interview - Tessa Wegert
Author of The Dead Season
“Senior Investigator Shana Merchant has spent years running from her past. But she never imagined a murder case would drive her to the most dangerous place of all—home.”
Author Interview - Tessa Wegert
Author I draw inspiration from: Tana French, Jane Harper, Louise Penny, and Wendy Walker. All write remarkably tight stories and are masters of characterization.
Author Interview - Tessa Wegert
Favorite place to read a book: My husband and I built a reading nook in our attic, and its isolation from the rest of the house makes it the perfect place to hide out with a book.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: I'd enjoy being stuck in an elevator with Inspector Armand Gamache from Louise Penny's series of mysteries, the most recent installment being All the Devils are Here. I grew up in the same part of Quebec where Gamache lives, so we'd have a lot to talk about. We also share a love of French pastries.
Author Interview - Tessa Wegert
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I think I've known this since I was a child, when I read The NeverEnding Story. The idea of building a world and populating it with unique characters really appealed to me.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback. I love a print book but am running out of room on my bookshelves! That said, there's a time and place for every format.
The last book I read: When No One is Watching by Alyssa Cole
Author Interview - Tessa Wegert
Pen & paper or computer: Computer. I'm in awe of authors who can write longhand. My handwriting is a disaster.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Definitely Maggie D'Arcy from Sarah Stewart Taylor's The Mountains Wild, the first book in a new mystery series. I admire Maggie's intelligence and would be fascinated by her experience working as a detective.
Author Interview - Tessa Wegert
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Chef! I took some courses years ago and have always enjoyed cooking and baking.
Favorite decade in fashion history: I have to say the '80s. This is the era I grew up in, and there's still a warm spot in my heart for neon, leg warmers, jelly bracelets, and stirrup pants.
Place I’d most like to travel: Iceland, in part because the vistas remind me of my native Canada.
My signature drink: Pimm's Cup - just one of the many parts of British culture that appeals to me.
Favorite artist: Trevor McKinven. He's a French-Canadian artist I grew up with, and his paintings really capture the beauty of Quebec.
Number one on my bucket list: Right now, it's seeing my family in Canada. That's the first place I'll go once I'm able to travel internationally again.
Anything else you'd like to add: Thanks so much for having me, Ashley! It's an honor to be included.
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Author Bio: Tessa Wegert is the author of Death in the Family and The Dead Season, part of the Shana Merchant series of mysteries. A Canadian-born former freelance writer whose work appeared in Forbes, The Huffington Post, Adweek, and The Economist, Tessa now lives with her husband and children in Coastal Connecticut.