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Teri M Brown

Teri M Brown

Author Interview - Teri M Brown

Author of An Enemy Like Me

How does a man show his love - for country, for heritage, for family - during a war that sets the three at odds? What sets in motion the necessity to choose one over the other? How will this choice change everything and everyone he loves?

Jacob Miller, a first-generation American, grew up in New Berlin, a small German immigrant town in Ohio where he endured the Great Depression, met his wife, and started a family. Though his early years were not easy, Jacob believes he is headed toward his 'happily ever after' until a friend is sent to an internment camp for enemy combatants, and the war lands resolutely on his doorstep.

In An Enemy Like Me, Teri M. Brown uses the backdrop of World War II to show the angst experienced by Jacob, his wife, and his four-year-old son as he leaves for and fights in a war he did not create. She explores the concepts of xenophobia, intrafamily dynamics, and the recognition that war is not won and lost by nations, but by ordinary men and women and the families who support them.

Author I draw inspiration from:

I love all authors who are character-driven. Anyone who can make me fall in love with, hate, fear, or empathize with a character inspires me.

Favorite place to read a book:

On the beach with the breeze blowing and the sun shining.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:

Erma Bombeck featured herself in her books, but my favorite was "The Grass Is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank." The thought of being stuck in an elevator terrifies me, but Erma would keep me laughing!

Author Interview - Teri M Brown | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

There was never an ah-ha moment. I knew I wanted to be an author as a small child but as I grew, that desire hid behind life and only made its presence known on occasion. I don't think I realized how badly I wanted it until I held Sunflowers Beneath the Snow, my debut novel, in my hands.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

Yes, yes, yes, and yes! It depends on what I'm reading and why! I love a hardback if I plan to save it forever. I love a paperback to carry with me in my purse to pull out whenever I get a free few minutes. eBooks are perfect when space is tight or I want to read at night and not disturb my husband. Audiobooks are perfect when I'm walking or have a long drive. Essentially, give me a book, and I'll find a reason to read it!

The last book I read:

The Authenticity Project by Clare Pooley

Author Interview - Teri M Brown | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

I write my books on computer because I think faster than I can write. If I write as fast as I'm thinking, I can't decipher what I wrote! However, I LOVE the way it feels to write with a smooth pen on a thick pad of paper. There isn't a better feeling - unless you try comparing it to the feeling of putting your toes in the sand at the beach.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

photographer. I love trying to capture the beauty of the world around me.

Favorite decade in fashion history:

1970's - who didn't love maxi skirts and elephant legs!

Place I’d most like to travel:

The Greek Islands. Who wants to go with me?

My signature drink:

Water with lemon.

Favorite artist:

Monet, though I love most water color artists especially water/ocean or birds.

Number one on my bucket list:

I don't have a bucket list. I have a plan to do things soon list. I think it is a shame to wait unless you have absolutely no choice. My next do it soon - once my husband finishes chemo - is to take an Alaskan cruise.

Anything else you'd like to add:

I'd love people to sign up for my newsletter. Just go to my website at www.terimbrown.com. When you sign up, you get a list of "The 10 historical fiction you've never heard of that will bring you to tears."

Find more from the author:

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  • Amazon Author: https://www.amazon.com/author/terimbrown

Author Bio:

Born in Athens, Greece as an Air Force brat, Teri M Brown came into this world with an imagination full of stories to tell. She now calls the North Carolina coast home, and the peaceful nature of the sea has been a great source of inspiration for her creativity.

Not letting 2020 get the best of her, Teri chose to go on an adventure that changed her outlook on life. She and her husband, Bruce, rode a tandem bicycle across the United States from Astoria, Oregon to Washington DC, successfully raising money for Toys for Tots. She learned she is stronger than she realized and capable of anything she sets her mind to.

Teri is a wife, mother, grandmother, and author who loves word games, reading, bumming on the beach, taking photos, singing in the shower, hunting for bargains, ballroom dancing, playing bridge, and mentoring others. Teri’s debut novel, Sunflowers Beneath the Snow, is a historical fiction set in Ukraine. Her second novel, An Enemy Like Me, launched in January 2023. Learn more at www.terimbrown.com.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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