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Sonii Marie

Sonii Marie

Author Interview - Sonii Marie

Author of A Book Without a Title

A Book Without a Title delves into the author's profound struggles, tracing her journey from devastating loss to newfound hope. Through recounting emotional and physical setbacks, the book showcases her resilience, from the tragic loss of a close friend to the joys of motherhood and love.

Author I draw inspiration from:

I have many favorite authors. For example, Cecelia Ahern and Harlan Coben (who draws his inspiration from real life stories.)

Author Interview - Sonii Marie | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book:

I sit in a rocking chair and the sun's rays gently touch the pages of the book and then I can be transported into the imagination and magic of a given story. The place itself isn’t as important to me as having silence and solitude.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:

To tell you the truth, I would like to be stuck in an elevator with the hero of my own book just once - so I would have time to say a proper goodbye.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

It came suddenly. Hidden notes, everything I wrote, where I fought my demons, silenced my emotions. One day I put them together and then the first book was created. Years later, I gained the courage to let a group of my loved ones read it, and I think that's when I realized I knew I wanted to be an author.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

Believe it or not, I've never listened to audiobooks or read e-books. I am a traditionalist and I love holding a book in my hand. Its smell is so inexplicable to me, but the smell of old books is like the smell of memories for me.

The last book I read:

“It ends wih us“ by Colleen Hoover. I enjoy books like hers that are filled with romance. Books like hers help me relax before falling asleep. Another book I enjoyed was “The Greatness Mindset. Unlock the power of Your Mind and live Your best life today” by Lewis Howes. I've been reading more books on this topic lately, as it helps me believe in my own possibilities again.

Author Interview - Sonii Marie | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

Definitely a computer these days. It makes it much easier and is also more eco-friendly. I sometimes still make notes on paper, although less and less often.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:

Damon Salvatore from the book by J.L. Smith; I think we'd be perfect friends. Few people have such a sarcastic sense of humor as me, and in the book he was perfectly portrayed as my twin (laughter).

Author Interview - Sonii Marie | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

As a little girl, I wanted to be a singer, but the truth is that most people wouldn't be able to stand it, LOL. Sometimes I sing at home, and judging by the reaction of my family, it would probably not be a successful path. If I didn't write, I would actually be working without a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment. Everyone should do what they love and it will bring them fulfillment.

Favorite decade in fashion history:

This is definitely the current time; there is so much freedom and openness that everyone can be themselves and present themselves in the form they choose and it does not make anyone different or ridiculed. Although it would probably be fun to go back to the 19th century and wear all those corsets, dresses, etc. it also had its own beautiful form. For me, it was a very sensual time.

Place I’d most like to travel:

I have many favorite places, but of them all, the one I would most like to visit Greece... living in a white house on a rocky hill and overlooking the blue sea in the morning.

My signature drink:

I'm a huge fan of beer. All of these colorful drinks are way too sweet for me.

Favorite artist:

I admire the football (soccer) player Cristiano Ronaldo very much when it comes to his commitment to pursuing his goals. I also admire his perseverance, passion and dedication. Although I don't know anything about football, his life story is nonetheless very inspiring.

Number one on my bucket list:

I want my book to be number one and for it be widely talked about! My goal is to have a bestseller.

Anything else you'd like to add:

You have to believe in your dreams to make them come true!

About Sonii Marie:

Author Interview - Sonii Marie

Born and raised in Poland, author Sonii Marie’s introspective writing style vividly mirrors the profound emotional turmoil she’s endured. Through her writing, she champions resilience and fortitude, inspiring readers to navigate their own challenges with courage and perseverance. Her work is a testament to her belief in the transformative power of triumphing against emotional adversity.

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