Author Interview with Sidney Karger


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Sidney Karger

Sidney Karger

Author Interview - Sidney Karger

Author of BEST MEN

Max Moody thought he had everything figured out. He’s trying to live his best life in New York City and has the best friend a gay guy could ask for: Paige. She and Max grew up next door to each other in the suburbs of Chicago. She can light up any party. She finishes his sentences. She’s always a reliable splunch (they don’t like to use the word brunch) partner. One day, Max’s world is turned upside down when Paige suddenly announces some huge news: she’s engaged and wants Max to be her man of honor. Max was always the romantic one who imagined he would get married before the unpredictable Paige and is shocked to hear she’s ready to settle down. But then Max meets the annoyingly charming, and ridiculously handsome gay best man of the groom, Chasten. As Paige’s wedding draws closer, Max, the introverted Midwesterner, and Chasten, the social butterfly East Coaster, realize they’re like oil and water. Yet they still have to figure out how to coexist in Paige’s life while not making her wedding festivities all about them. But can the tiny romantic spark between these two very different guys transform their best man supporting roles into the leading best men in each other’s lives?

Author I draw inspiration from: I've been inspired by Dave Eggers for a while now, for his incredible imagination, variety of stories and subtle humor. I'm from the same area where he grew up and when I read his first book/memoir-ish, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, it felt familiar and accessible but at the same time I was like, wait--you can do this?!? It blew my mind.

And Mary Shelley because she wrote Frankenstein when she was 18.

Author Interview - Sidney Karger | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: Under a fuzzy blanket on my sofa, with my dog and partner nearby, while it's cold and raining outside. Or if the weather's warm, on a lounge chair by a swimming pool while lazily eating a turkey club with fries. Also, on a moving train where I can contemplatively stare out the window after each chapter. In the quiet car, of course.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Josef Kavalier from The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon. Joe studied escapology and would creatively bust us out of that elevator.

Author Interview - Sidney Karger | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: There were a few moments combined. When my mom read every book to me as a kid. When I was in middle school, in a gifted program called Great Books where we read and reported on the classics and I knew that I preferred reading and writing over math. When I read all of the highly prolific Judy Blume's books that felt like they were speaking directly to me and I wanted to connect with readers in the same way. And the time when I was 12 and wrote a Choose Your Own Adventure book which was obviously terrible but the encouragement from friends and family kept me inspired to write a book.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardback or paperback so I can hold it in my hands, interact with it, dog ear pages, fill it with my favorite bookmark and then give it a home on my book shelf. Audiobook occasionally, if I'm driving long distance.

The last book I read: Stone Cold Fox by Rachel Koller Croft. It's a stunning debut novel about a unique con woman at the top of her game. She's a sympathetic villain you love to hate to love. The writing is really sharp, fun and page turny. I kinda need to be best friends with the author.

Author Interview - Sidney Karger | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: Computer please! Thankfully, I can think as fast as I type. Or is it the other way around? Pen and paper if I wake up in the middle of the night with the next great high concept idea or line of dialogue that I will inevitably think is really bad the next day.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Charlie Bucket from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. It feels like we've been friends since I first read the book as a kid and I wanted to be his plus one at Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. If he were alive today, he'd be in his 70s and the successful owner of a chain of chocolate factories around the world which we could fly to on his private jet made of marzipan.

Author Interview - Sidney Karger | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Comedic actor. I used to do improv but found I was more comfortable behind the scenes and in front of a computer. Luckily, I can channel impressions and observations of other people into my writing.

I'm also currently a screenwriter for film and TV so I'm doing that full time in addition to writing books.

Favorite decade in fashion history: The '80s are the most fun to look back on and laugh. Acid-washed denim Guess jeans? Pastel polos with popped collars? Freezy Freakies gloves that changed colors when it was cold? I'm all in.

I'm constantly striving to achieve Tom Cruise's look in Risky Business. Not the dancing scene, the scene where he's saying goodbye to his parents at the airport. Somehow it's classic.

Place I’d most like to travel: Tokyo and Kyoto. My partner also really wants to go skiing in Japan so I would love to do that too.

My signature drink: A really well made old fashioned or Manhattan before dinner. A glass of red wine with dinner.

Favorite artist: There are so many to love: Matisse, Monet, Kandinsky, de Kooning, Hockney, Bacon, Basquiat. I love a lot of color. I also really love photography by Vivian Maier, Cindy Sherman and William Eggleston. My current favorite artist lately is Jake Longstreth. He paints amazing landscapes but also abandoned big box stores and suburban strip malls that are both beautiful and funny.

Number one on my bucket list: I've never done an African safari so that's been high on my list. I'd love to see gorillas in the wild.

Anything else you'd like to add: My second book comes out in May of 2024, which I'm excited about. And I'm working on some fun screenplays and TV projects as well so hopefully you'll see those soon too.

Find more from the author:

  • Instagram: @sidkny

  • Twitter: @SidKarger

  • Website:

Author Bio: Sidney Karger is an award-winning screenwriter for film and television. He is a former writer/director with Comedy Central, MTV and AMC, among other networks, and contributing writer for Saturday Night Live, Billy On The Street and McSweeney's. He currently lives in New York City with his partner and their Australian Labradoodle, Zelda. Best Men is his debut novel.

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