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Sandra L. Young

Sandra L. Young

Author Interview - Sandra L. Young

Author of Divine Vintage

Visions linked to an Edwardian bride’s trousseau drive Tess Burton to untangle the truth behind a century-old murder. The new psychic sleuth seeks assist from a handsome sidekick. But while he’s drawn to her, the skeptical descendant of the accused husband isn’t thrilled at plunging into mind-blowing visions. Emotions from the past bring them together - and may drive them apart.

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Author I draw inspiration from: Sarah Addison Allen for her lyrical writing and magical elements wrapped around romance and mystery.

Author Interview - Sandra L. Young | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: In my sunroom overlooking the tree-lined pond behind our house. We just built it, so I'm loving the changing seasons.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: it would be fascinating to spend time with Gabrielle Winslow from Randy Susan Meyers and M.J. Rose's recent release, The Fashion Orphans. Gabrielle was a Broadway costume designer and she's now cataloguing her deceased mother's vast Chanel collection. She'd have fabulous stage stories to share, and if we got chummy, maybe she'd give me a peek at the Chanel!

Author Interview - Sandra L. Young | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: In third grade I wrote a very short story for a class assignment and labored over making it intense and compelling - to my young mind. I loved books and words, and from then on I wanted to write my own stories.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: I like to hold a paperback, but due to space issues - and Netgalley - I read more ebooks now.

The last book I read: Dare Not Tell, a lovely historical women's fiction novel by Indie author Elaine Aucoin Schroller, which debuted in November. I've been reading and reviewing loads of debuts to support their journeys.

Author Interview - Sandra L. Young | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: Definitely computer. I learned shorthand in school and have used it for years. Writing longhand is laborious!

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I've really thought about this, and I keep coming back to Tess, the heroine of Divine Vintage. I'm a pantser, and I ended up writing her to embrace many of my passions: in vintage clothing, community theater, social equity. She's not syrupy, just an upbeat, fun person to spend time with. A reviewer said she would love to sit down and have a cup of coffee with her. I feel the same, even though there's an, ahem, age difference. I could be a great mentor!

Author Interview - Sandra L. Young | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Nonprofit professional. I was Executive Director of a county health initiative and Vice President of a community foundation before retiring to write full-time. We pursued wonderful collaborations to improve others' lives.

Favorite decade in fashion history: The 1920s because of the radical shift in dropping corsets and shortening skirts. Fashion paralleled the growing, hard-fought freedoms for women after achieving the vote. And the designs were memorable. But Worth is my overall, favorite couture designer.

Place I’d most like to travel: My fiance' and I plan to visit Italy, hopefully next summer. I'd love to immerse in a smaller town atmosphere rather than racing through big cities. I envision sitting in cafes sipping coffee or wine, strolling through picturesque squares, and going out to buy dinner ingredients daily. For glamour, we'll add a side trip to Paris, just as my characters visit there in Divine Vintage.

My signature drink: I love the minty, lime zest of a mojito!

Favorite artist: I really groove on Impressionists. Especially Renoir and Cassatt.

Number one on my bucket list: I'll have to come up with a new one as being traditionally published headed my list.

Anything else you'd like to add: As authors we have a unique opportunity to enlighten and educate people positively about social issues. I took that privilege seriously, and incorporated a homeless-related subplot in my novel. A character who is pivotal to the plot arc is a homeless veteran with PTSD. Tess supports him, and braves standing up against some other local residents who oppose opening a homeless resource center.

Find more from the author:

  • https://www.instagram.com/slyoungauthor/

  • https://twitter.com/1DivineVintage

  • https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/116212228-sandra-l-young---author

  • https://www.bookbub.com/authors/sandra-l-young

Author Bio: Sandra L. Young’s love of vintage fashion inspired her to write her debut novel, Divine Vintage. She’s researched and gathered an impressive collection spanning the late 1800s to 1990s, wearing pieces onstage through years of performing in community theater. She also sports it out on the town for special occasions. To round out her love of the arts, Sandra sings with a trio, a praise band, and at karaoke nights. She draws from these experiences in her writing, as well as her work focus in communications and nonprofit management.

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