Sally Thorne
Author Interview - Sally Thorne
Author I draw inspiration from: Chuck Palahniuk (Fight Club) doesn’t write in my rom com genre (obviously!) but I am inspired by his ability to capture the reader from the first sentence and just plunge you into the moment. Not a word is wasted and I admire his skill and ability.
Author Interview - Sally Thorne
Favorite place to read a book: In bed. My bed is my favorite place, period!
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Mr. Knightley from Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility. After I explained what an elevator was, I’m sure he’d be very calm and practical about the whole thing.
Author Interview - Sally Thorne
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When I was in Primary School and my teacher Mrs. Raleigh used to assign us a period of creative writing. She’d always ask me to read mine out loud which made me feel important and like my words had worth and value. I had coffee with Mrs. Raleigh recently and it was an honor to give her a copy of The Hating Game and to tell her how influential she had been in its making. Teachers are very important people.
Author Interview - Sally Thorne
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: I like paperbacks. Nice and light, and always comforting to have one in your bag.
The last book I read: An advanced copy of Car Crash by T. Gephart. Getting advanced copies are a perk of being an author that I never expected, it’s so great!
Author Interview - Sally Thorne
Pen & paper or computer: Computer- I have carpal tunnel and holding a pen makes my hand go numb.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Bridget Jones. I feel like we’d have some great couch-and-pizza nights in, wearing face masks and watching movies.
Author Interview - Sally Thorne
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: Depressed office drone.
Favorite decade in fashion history: 1945- 1955. I love Christian Dior’s ‘new look’ in the late 1940s- the silhouettes are sumptuous. I also love Chanel’s mid-50s skirt suits and hats.
Place I’d most like to travel: I travel a lot in Japan, but Korea is somewhere that really interests me.
My signature drink: English breakfast tea.
Favorite artist: Michelangelo. I’ve been to the Sistine Chapel and have seen the statues the Pietà and of course, David. Seeing these in person is a life changing experience and makes you appreciate what a genius he was to be able to create these heavenly pieces in different mediums.
Number one on my bucket list: Buy a Lisa Eldridge ring when I’m in London in September. And write a New York Times bestseller, obviously!
Anything else you'd like to add: You will find the never before published short epilogue for my first book The Hating Game in the back of my new release, 99 Percent Mine. It is my special thank you to everyone who has supported me!
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