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Rob Samborn

Rob Samborn

Author Interview - Rob Samborn

Author of Painter of the Damned

Nick & Julia O’Connor's dream trip to Venice, Italy becomes a nightmare when Nick hears a voice from Paradise, Tintoretto’s Renaissance masterpiece. Nick discovers an ancient enigmatic order that has developed a method of extracting people’s souls, which they imprison in the painting. Among the thousands trapped is Nick’s soul mate from the 16th century.

After surviving an ordeal, Nick and Julia have one goal: return home with their lives. But before they reach the American consulate in Milan, they’re captured and returned to the City of Masks.

Behind Nick’s detention is Salvatore della Porta, the corrupt head of the order. Della Porta believes Nick’s previous life knows the location of a mysterious book lost to the ages that will bring him world-changing power—or topple the order.

As Nick’s link to the past consumes him, it’s up to Julia to save her husband and crush della Porta. But with friends in short supply, she must enlist a young artist who is the order’s new warden of the damned.

Author I draw inspiration from: David Mitchell

Author Interview - Rob Samborn | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: Anywhere with no distractions

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: James Bond, from Ian Fleming's Dr. No, since Bond can help us escape from the elevator.

Author Interview - Rob Samborn | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: For me, it was more "writer," or even "storyteller." I've loved writing and telling stories since I was a little kid. I was always reading or watching movies. I can't pinpoint a specific time, so I'll say birth.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: If this is about my book, it will be available in all four formats. If it's what I typically read, I'm always reading one ebook and listening to one audiobook. Audiobooks are essential for me - it's hard to read when walking a dog, driving or biking! :-)

The last book I read: Warm and Dead by Mike Krentz

Author Interview - Rob Samborn | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: 100% computer.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: James Bond from Ian Fleming's Dr. No. Of course, after he saves me from the stuck elevator, I'll treat him to a bunch of martinis.

Author Interview - Rob Samborn | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: An archeologist astronaut spy rock star.

Favorite decade in fashion history: Great question! I need to split evenly between the 1920s and 1960s.

Place I’d most like to travel: Israel

My signature drink: Scotch neat

Favorite artist: Jacopo Tintoretto

Number one on my bucket list: Sky diving

Anything else you'd like to add: Hang gliding, as well as flying one of those giant gliders. I also want to fly in a blimp and learn how to fly a helicopter.

Find more from the author:

  • https://www.facebook.com/RobSambornAuthor

  • https://www.instagram.com/robsamborn/

  • https://twitter.com/RobSamborn

  • www.robsamborn.com

Author Bio: In addition to being a novelist, Rob Samborn is a screenwriter, entrepreneur and avid traveler. He’s been to forty countries, lived in five of them (including Italy) and studied nine languages. As a restless spirit who can’t remember the last time he was bored, Rob is on a quest to explore the intricacies of our world and try his hand at a multitude of crafts; he’s also an accomplished artist and musician, as well as a budding furniture maker. A native New Yorker who lived in Los Angeles for twenty years, he now makes his home in Denver with his wife, daughter and dog.

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