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Richard Plourde

Richard Plourde

Author Interview - Richard Plourde

Author of Back to You... - The astonishing fate of John Fisher

One day, without warning, John Fisher turns his back on his past, on his name, on his father.

Thirteen years of unhappiness and a bout with leukemia later, John becomes convinced that the answer to his life’s woes lies in the mysterious female bone marrow donor who gave him a second chance at life.

Forced to face the demons of his past, John embarks on the journey of a lifetime, back to where it all began.

Author Interview - Richard Plourde

Author I draw inspiration from:

I am a very big fan of the French author, Marc Levy. I love his storytelling quality and his ability to create multi-dimensional and endearing characters. Moreover, his stories are always imbued with love and compassion, qualities that we need now more than ever.

Author Interview - Richard Plourde | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book:

My preferred writing spot is on the front porch during the summer and in my living room by the fireplace in the colder months, accompanied by my cat, Muse, cuddling against me. Paradoxically, I also enjoy reading in bustling and noisy cafés while sipping a cappuccino.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:

Robert Langdon from Dan Brown’s « Angels and Demons .» His intelligence and resourcefulness make it likely that he could come up with an escape plan. Yet, even if we end up remaining stuck, he would be an incredibly intriguing person to engage in conversation with.

Author Interview - Richard Plourde | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

Since my young age, I have been impressed by the power of words. Even though I was a fairly avid reader, I had never dared to dream of becoming an author. That changed one the day, in my thirties, when I read the first novel and bestseller by Marc Levy, 'If Only it Were True.' When I learned that he had worked for an architect firm and had no formal training in literature, I immediately believed that I could become an author too.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

I'm more of a paperback person. I adore the feel and scent of paperbacks. However, I must confess that I recently read a book on my wife's Kindle and surprisingly enjoyed it. I believe I might gradually transition to that format.

The last book I read:

« Tuesdays With Morrie » from Mitch Albom. I’ve read this captivating crash course on living many times. A truly indispensable read.

Author Interview - Richard Plourde | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

A little bit of both. Although I mostly use a computer, I do go back to pen and paper when I travel.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:

Chief Inspector Armand Gamache from « A World of Curiosities » by Louise Penny. I believe Gamache's compassion and empathy toward others would make him a supportive friend who genuinely cares about the well-being of those around him. His love for the arts, literature, and philosophy would likely lead to engaging conversations and shared interests.

Author Interview - Richard Plourde | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

Music producer

Favorite decade in fashion history:

80’s. Neon, pastel, acid-washed jeans, big hair, leather jacket, shoulder pads, just to name a few.

Place I’d most like to travel:

There are so many! If I only got to choose one, I would go with Fiji for its pristine beaches.

My signature drink:

I can’t name just one. It depends on my mood and the occasion. A cold, crisp IPA, fine red wine and an Aperol spritz.

Favorite artist:

Music : gabocarina96, Acting: Isabelle Plourde

Number one on my bucket list:

Write the screenplay of my novel "Back to You... - The astonishing fate of John Fisher".

Anything else you'd like to add:

Thanks for the invitation and best wishes to all the Hasty Book List readers.

Find more from the author:

  • https://www.facebook.com/richardplourdeauteur

  • https://twitter.com/Richard_Plourde

  • https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5018270.Richard_Plourde

  • https://www.instagram.com/plourderichard/

About Richard Plourde:

Author Interview - Richard Plourde

Bestselling author Richard Plourde is a retired Atlantic Canadian optometrist with a genuine passion for writing captivating stories. His two novels, originally published in French, were both critically acclaimed and were finalists for the coveted France-Acadie literary prize

Richard also published a children’s novel that was selected as a one of the top children’s book of the year by the consumer guide “Protégez- vous”.

Two of his books have been translated and published in English.

Father of two accomplished young adults and two beloved cats, he lives in a lovely town nestled in a valley surrounded by mountains in New Brunswick.

Richard is currently working on his fourth novel and is also writing the screenplay for his first book.

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