Pam Jenoff


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Pam Jenoff

Pam Jenoff

Author Interview - Pam Jenoff

Author I draw inspiration from:  Natalie Goldberg.  Her book, Writing Down The Bones, really broke me open as a writer.

Favorite place to read a book:  Cuddling next to my three kids when they are reading books of their own.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:  Mary Poppins, because I think she would get us out.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:  I was too young to remember.  I always wanted to be a novelist.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:  All of the above! But paperback is easiest to transport.

The last book I read:  Good Luck With That by Kristan Higgins – wonderful! I’m about to start an early galley of Melanie Benjamin’s Mistress of the Ritz and I can’t wait!

Pen & paper or computer:  Computer for the actual writing, pen and paper for the planning and problem solving.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:  Ramona Quimby.

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: law school professor at Rutgers (which I am – that’s my day job.) I would also like to work in the children/s section of a book store.

Favorite decade in fashion history:  I am the least fashionable person in history.  The 90s – all grunge and flannel shirts – were my heyday.

Place I’d most like to travel:  Back to the places I’ve lived abroad, Krakow, Poland and Cambridge, England.

My signature drink:  If I was to have a drink it would be a glass of sauvignon blanc of a margarita (frozen,salt) but that seldom happens.  Iced coffee with extra shots is a lifesaver.  And I do the apple cider vinegar in water thing before dinner for health.

Favorite artist:  Can I go with musical artist?  Mandy Patinkin, hands-down.  I’m kind of a groupee.

Number one on my bucket list:  Going back to Key West to do an event with Judy Blume at her bookstore, Books & Books.  And it’s happening in March! I met her when we were on vacation there last summer and she was even more incredible than I ever imagined.  It’s a dream come true!

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