Noué Kirwan
Author Interview - Noué Kirwan
LONG PAST SUMMER is an interracial second-chance romance between a woman named Mikaela from a small town in GA who moves to NYC and makes good as a corporate lawyer, and her long-lost boyfriend, Cameron from that same town. By the time they meet again in New York, Cam's a successful photographer himself and he needs a lawyer to defend him in a lawsuit. The complication (besides them being ex-lovers) stems from the fact that the plaintiff in the lawsuit is his ex-wife...but also Mike's former best friend!
Author Interview - Noué Kirwan
Author I draw inspiration from: Octavia Butler - not because she wrote in the same genre as I do but because she inspired me as a black woman to think of myself as an author, and an author of any genre I wanted at a time where that seemed, not impossible, but rare.
Author Interview - Noué Kirwan | Author I Draw Inspiration From
Favorite place to read a book: I get really good sunshine in bed during the morning and have a warm lamp at my bedside
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Circe from Madeline Miller's book. She would have a lot of amazing stories to help us bide our time until the fire department arrived. LOL!
Author Interview - Noué Kirwan | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: It's passé to say you've wanted to be an author since you were a child but it's true. I've always told stories. Before I could read well, I used to draw pictures and accompany them with long, involved tales. When I was a little more proficient with words, I created very badly-drawn comics for family.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: I used to like paperbacks/hardback (those were for when I wanted to look serious and literary) but more recently, I'm enjoying audiobooks.
The last book I read: Democracy in Chains by Nancy MacLean
Author Interview - Noué Kirwan | The Last Book I Read
Pen & paper or computer: I used to really like writing long hand (in fact it was the only way I could work out my stories for a long time) but it became too hard to transcribe as my stories got longer.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Queen Betsy from the Undead and Unwed series by Mary-Janice Davidson. As long as Betsy didn't want to eat me!
Author Interview - Noué Kirwan | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Screenwriter/Script Doctor
Favorite decade in fashion history: I used to really like 80's fashion with the off-the-shoulder sweaters, leg warmers, tapered leg pants with zippers on the ankles and neon colors but I realize now I had lost my mind.
Place I’d most like to travel: Australia and New Zealand
My signature drink: I've discovered on a recent trip that I like Painkillers which are basically pina coladas without the ground ice and with nutmeg.
Favorite artist: What kind of artist? Singer: Anita Baker, Actor: (tie) Angela Bassett & Glenn Close, Painter: Georgia O'Keefe
Number one on my bucket list: Write a bestseller!
Anything else you'd like to add: I'm kind of shy but I love talking to people once I warm up - so I'm more approachable than I may initially look. Advice for if you ever meet me.
Find more from the author:
@NoueKirwan on IG and Twitter
Author Bio: Noué is a Bronx native, raised bicoastal. A UMass-Amherst grad in Communications, she currently lives in Harlem, New York. And when she's not consuming copious amounts of media: binging TV shows, devouring movies, hoarding comic books and inhaling romance novels, she's writing, dreaming up all sorts of interesting lives and passionate loves.