Natalie Jenner
Author Interview - Natalie Jenner
Author I draw inspiration from: this is easy—Jane Austen, of course! She wrote for family and friends first, advocated for herself with publishers, loved her characters to no end, wrote through illness, believed in her genius, supported the budding authors about her, and left the world with six of the best books ever written.
Author Interview - Natalie Jenner
Favorite place to read a book: under a tree or by a roaring fire
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Mr. Darcy, because we would kill time exchanging barbs and then he could carry me out on his back!
Author Interview - Natalie Jenner
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: My mother tells me that I wanted to be a writer before I could even read, that I would walk around the house with a pencil and paper and make scribbly lines. I have no idea what I was trying to do. Honestly, it must be cellular.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: paperback. For a book-lover, I treat my books horrendously, mostly because I love living with them. Paperbacks allow for all sorts of damage and are also perfect for sharing.
The last book I read: Carrie Fisher: A Life on the Edge by Sheila Weller. I miss her so much.
Author Interview - Natalie Jenner
Pen & paper or computer: computer—I type at the speed I think and my penmanship sucks
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice—doesn’t everyone? Elizabeth is just the right level of threatening intelligence, non-threatening beauty, and spark-bordering-on-snark. (HBL Note: Persuasion pictured since Pride & Prejudice was linked above.)
Author Interview - Natalie Jenner
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: bookshop owner, again. The best—and hardest—job I’ve ever had.
Favorite decade in fashion history: the 1960s, for their defiance, exuberance, and flat-out sexiness
Place I’d most like to travel: Australia. I have this sneaking suspicion that they’ve got it all figured out down there.
My signature drink: Gin & Tonic with Botanist gin and a sprig of rosemary
Favorite artist: Mark Rothko, but I have no idea why (which is probably why)
Number one on my bucket list: Meeting Darryl Hall of Hall & Oates. It’s an 80s thing.
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Author Interview - Natalie Jenner