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Michele Kwasniewski

Michele Kwasniewski

Author Interview - Michele Kwasniewski


Minutes before her scheduled performance at the party for her third album, sixteen-year-old pop sensation Dani Truehart regains consciousness amid the smoking wreckage of a car accident, the crumbled body of a cyclist splayed on the ground. Moments after the accident, Dani's manager, Jenner Redman, reaches the scene and his impulsive decision sets in motion a chain of events that will have catastrophic consequences for everyone in the starlet's orbit. Later, when scandal threatens to destroy the dazzling career of the world's most beloved pop star, Dani must choose between accepting responsibility for her disastrous choices, possibly destroying her fame and fortune, or sacrificing those who made her famous and everyone she loves to preserve the stardom she has spent her entire life working to achieve.

Author I draw inspiration from:

There are a slew of writers who inspire me in many different ways. I initially started to answer this question and my answer was so lengthy, I had to try again. So as not to get lost down the rabbit hole of my favorite authors and why they inspire me, I will stick to me current read - HOLLY by Stephen King. I find his books a constant source of inspiration. The way he builds worlds and creates his characters is fascinating. With just a few subtle details, he can drop a reader into a detailed world with shockingly relatable characters. One would think that a writer of such a vast body of work would become formulaic, but I find that he constantly surprises me with his plot twists. Plus I love a well-written, dark tale - be it monster, hauntings or psyche twisted by trauma real or imagined. My all-time favorite Stephen King is THE SHINING and I agree with Mr. King – the book was so much better than the movie.

Author Interview - Michele Kwasniewski | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book:

I love reading on the couch my living room in front of the lit fireplace with our mini-dachshund, Phoebe. She’s very cuddly. The only downside is that sometimes she tries to position herself in front of my book so I will look at her rather than the page.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:

A book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with is Patrick O’Hara from GUNCLE by Steven Rowley. While I don’t think Patrick would the calmest person in a crisis, his humor and wit would certainly make the experience more enjoyable.

Author Interview - Michele Kwasniewski | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

When I was young, I loved pretending to read with those books on records (yes I am that old). I always dreamed I wanted to write but it wasn’t until I was in my late thirties and I stopped working that I decided to give it an honest try. We had just had our son and I was looking for a project to purse while he was napping. My first book took seven years to finish. Once it was written, I knew it wasn’t enough to let it sit in a drawer so I tried to see if I could get an agent. After nine months, I succeeded. It is heady stuff to realize a dream like being published . I still pinch myself every few months to see if it is really true.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

I’m old-school in my reading habits and prefer physical books. Hardbacks are always my first choice. I love how the hard covers keep the pages protected and I can use the book jacket flap as a bookmark. But once a book is over 400 pages, hardbacks can become a bit unwieldy. Paperbacks are my second choice, but since I often shove them in my purse as I leave the house, I often rip or bend the cover. I cannot seem to get caught up in the story when I read an e-book and I don’t quite know why. Most e-reader devices are certainly more convenient to carry than a physical book, but it has just never caught on with me.

The last book I read:

I just finished WEYWARD by Emilia Hart for my book club. I really enjoyed this book which was a nice surprise because my book club does not have the best track record for picking good books. Probably because we usually wait until the end of the meeting to select our next book and we’ve probably had a bit too much wine to make a good choice by then. I love how the story was told by women of the same family in different eras. Themes of resilience, patriarchy and finding one’s voice run throughout the book. I loved the world Hart constructed as well as the pacing and the interweaving of different timelines. I was a little wary of reading another book that deals with a witch on trial in the 17th century, but her take on the issue was refreshing.

Author Interview - Michele Kwasniewski | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

I write on a computer, but often take notes with a pen and paper while I write and edit. When I was younger and I first dabbled in writing short stories, I wrote in longhand. But my handwriting is akin to that of a serial-killer or doctor and only gets messier the faster I write. There were times my writing was indecipherable which is not ideal. When I find myself having difficulty writing or hitting a bit of a block, I often change the font and/or the color of the document and font. It works wonders. My latest manuscript is currently being written in black Cambria 12pt for those that like to nerd-out on their fonts. I’ve also tried the controversial Comic Sans font-trick when I’m stuck and it totally works.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:

My top three reasons why I’d love to be best friends with Bridget Jones of BRIDGET JONES’S DIARY by Helen Fielding: 1) I love London, so having Bridget as my best friend means I live there or I get to visit often 2) She is ridiculous by nature so I feel she would be up for anything and not be judgmental 3) She isn’t scared to chase her dreams and I think we could be reminded of that more often in life.

Author Interview - Michele Kwasniewski | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

So many answers to this question – a singer, marine biologist, a detective and a bookshop owner…I have a wide range of interests as you can see which is probably why I love to write. Writing gives me the opportunity to explore any topic I that peaks my interest from the comfort of my home and still allow me to be on time for to school pick-up. Most of these are dream careers, but the bookshop would be a possibility if I could take enough time away from writing.

Favorite decade in fashion history:

I love the fashions of the 1950s - poodle skirts, saddle shoes, capri pants, matching coats and purses for every outfit. That era seemed to have so much fun using a wide variety of colors and fabrics. Plus it was a dressier era and I do love to dress for an occasion, even if I am just going to the super market. Sadly, my career of writing means that I own an embarrassingly large collection of loungewear. Comfortable, but hardly fashionable.

Place I’d most like to travel:

I would love to take a cruise to experience the Galapagos Islands and Antarctica. They are such vastly different environments from where I live and I have always been mesmerized by the photographs I have seen. I imagine it would be like exploring another world. It is a big ticket item on my bucket list.

My signature drink:

My daily coffee is as important to me as water, but my signature cocktail is a gin and tonic with lots of lime. Love, love, love!

Favorite artist:

I love all the arts, but music is my favorite. My all-time favorite performers are Prince, Pink Floyd, Greta Van Fleet, Cold Play, Blues Traveler and George Michael to name a few.

Number one on my bucket list:

Well, for the bucket list item, please see my previous Galapagos cruise answer. But as far as something I’m looking forward to trying, I'd love to learn how to play the electric guitar. I know I might seem to have aged-out of any garage-band type wailing, but I absolutely love a good guitar solo. I’d love to try and learn how to play one day.

Anything else you'd like to add:

Breaking into the publishing world is a daunting accomplishment for any unknown writer, but it was one of those lifelong aspirations I could not walk away from. It has been a dream come true to see my YA series win awards and gain readers around the world. I only hope that in time more readers will discover the endearing but flawed cast of characters in my trilogy, THE RISE AND FALL OF DANI TRUEHART. Anyone who has ever dreamed of being famous or has sung into a shampoo bottle in the shower will connect with Dani’s pursuit of a singing career and all of the dangerous consequences she faces as she grows up in the spotlight. Thanks for giving me a chance to meet your readers and spread the word about my books.

About Michele Kwasniewski:

Michele Kwasniewski Author Biography After graduating from Loyola Marymount University with a BA in Technical Theater, Michele Kwasniewski spent over fifteen years in film and television production. Starting out as a film set assistant on movies such as INDEPENDENCE DAY, FACE/OFF, PRIMAL FEAR, and EVITA. Michele eventually switched to the small screen and worked her way up the ladder to production manager, gaining experience on television shows such as BIG BROTHER, ADOPTION STORIES, EXTRA YARDAGE and MEET THE PANDAS. She is also a proud member of the Producers Guild of America. Michele's colorful experiences in the industry inspired her to write THE RISE AND FALL OF DANI TRUEHART trilogy. Michele lives in San Clemente, California with her husband, their son, and their disobedient dachshund. Michele’s series THE RISE AND FALL OF DANI TRUEHART series consists of books entitled RISING STAR, BURNING BRIGHT and FALLING STAR. All three books in Michele’s YA series have won multiple awards including: • FIRST PLACE Awards in three categories: BEST SERIES, BEST YA - LITERARY & COMING OF AGE AND BEST YA – SOCIAL THEMES for the 2023 FALL BOOKFEST Awards • SECOND PLACE Winner in YOUNG ADULT GENERAL FICTON for 2023 PENCRAFT ANNUAL AWARDS • BEST YOUNG ADULT BOOK for the 2023 PENCRAFT SEASONAL BOOK AWARDS (WINTER) • FIRST PLACE for TEEN BOOKS in the 2023 NYC BIG BOOK AWARDS • BEST PERFORMING ARTS BOOK for the 2022 AMERICAN WRITING AWARDS • BEST YOUNG ADULT BOOK for the 2023 PENCRAFT SEASONAL BOOK AWARDS (WINTER) • FINALIST for BEST BOOK in PERFORMING ARTS and TEEN FICTION in the 2023 NATIONAL INDIE EXCELLENCE AWARDS • FINALIST in the 2023 ERIC HOFFER AWARDS • FINALIST in the 2023 HAWTHORNE AWARDS • BEST PERFORMING ARTS BOOK for the 2022 AMERICAN WRITING AWARDS • BEST YOUNG ADULT FICTION BOOK and GENERAL FICTION BOOK for the 2022 ROYAL DRAGONFLY AWARDS and • SEMI-FINALIST in the 2022 CHANTICLEER DANTE ROSSETI AWARD • FINALIST in the 2022 INDEPENDENT AUTHOR BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARDS

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