Michael Ledwidge


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Michael Ledwidge

Michael Ledwidge

Author Interview - Michael Ledwidge

Author I draw inspiration from: There are actually four of them.  The most inspirational authors for me are Cervantes, Joseph Conrad, Tolkien and Tolstoy.  Each of them has a lot of love and sympathy and hope in his heart for the human condition and the human race. 

Favorite place to read a book: The favorite place I like to read is a comfy leather chair in the corner of my office that also has a good and bright standing lamp beside it.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: I would like to get stuck in an elevator with Jason Bourne.  With his particular set of skills, he would know how to jumpstart it or at least how we could escape through the hatch in the roof.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I first started dreaming about making writing a profession when I read Stephen King in high school.  It was the first time it truly dawned on me that a living human being could actually be a writer and make a decent living at it and not ever have to get a real job.   Since reading and playing hookey were two of my favorite activities (and still are) it was the first time I thought maybe one day I’d try to take a stab at it.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: In terms of reading, I definitely like a nice hardback.  I think physically holding the book and turning the pages are definitely part of the charm.

The last book I read: The last really good book I read is The Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich by Callum MacDonald.  It’s the incredible true story of two simple humble Czech patriot soldiers who heroically took out one of the worst people who has ever lived.    Incredibly inspiring story of what human beings are capable of in the face of incredible evil.  And it’s told in a super exciting thriller novel way by the terrific author MacDonald.  

Pen & paper or computer: When I still had my day job I wrote in notebooks as I commuted on the NYC subway. Now that I write full time I work on a desktop computer. 

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: The book character I think I’d be best friends with is Bilbo Baggins.   The world can never have enough tea and cakes and beer and riddles and elves and good wizards and killing goblins as far as I’m concerned.  

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: If I weren’t a writer I’d still be a NYC phone guy, my former day job. 

Favorite decade in fashion history: My favorite fashion decade is the 1950s.

Place I’d most like to travel: The place I’d most like to travel is across America on a freight train. 

My signature drink: My signature drink is Jamesons whiskey and coca cola.  This would also be my drink of choice as I rode in a box car across America dressed like James Dean.  

Favorite artist: Michaelangelo not just for his incomparable art but for his humble yet relentless work ethic. He built his own scaffolds and made his own paints like a construction worker.  He’s a great reminder that great work in any profession is mostly about busting your tail.     

Number one on my bucket list: Top of my bucket list would be to see America come together over something and have a little fun like it used to do when I was a kid.

Anything else you'd like to add: Growing up in the Bronx in the 1970s on the Fourth of July once it got dark, everyone of all races, colors, and creeds on my whole block would all go across Broadway into Van Cortlandt Park and set off fireworks and laugh and goof around. It was fun.  No politics just melting pot American people of all stripes lighting off firecrackers and laughing and goofing around with one another one night a year.   It was up there with Halloween and Christmas as something to look forward to.  I would love to see that again for my grandkids.  Fingers crossed.

In Stop at Nothing I’m trying to bring back a love for the type of fun and exciting Tom Cruise/Harrison Ford/ Bruce Willis-style heroic American action thrillers that the early nineties were jam-packed with.  I’m all about reintroducing great stories in the vein of Red Rock WestIn the Line of FireDiehard, No Way OutPresumed Innocent, and The Firm.   

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No Truth Left to Tell

No Truth Left to Tell

Stop at Nothing

Stop at Nothing