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Melodie Edwards

Melodie Edwards

Author Interview - Melodie Edwards

Author of Once Persuaded, Twice Shy

This modern reimagining of Persuasion is full of witty banter, romantic angst, and compelling characters as it captures the heart of the classic Jane Austen novel.

When Anne Elliott broke up with Ben Wentworth, it seemed like the right thing to do . . . but now, eight years later, she’s not so sure.

In her scenic hometown of Niagara-on-the-Lake, Anne is comfortable focusing on her successful career: filling her late mother’s shoes as town councilor and executive director of her theater company. She certainly keeps busy as the all-around wrangler of eccentric locals, self-centered family members, elaborate festivals, and the occasional attacking goose. But the more she tries to convince herself that her life is fine as is, the more it all feels like a show—and not nearly as good as the ones put on by her theater company. She’s the always responsible Anne, always taken for granted and cleaning up after other people, and the memories of happier times with Ben Wentworth still haunt her.

So when the nearby Kellynch Winery is bought by Ben’s aunt and uncle, Anne’s world is set ablaze as her old flame crashes back into her life—and it’s clear he hasn’t forgiven her for breaking his heart. A joint project between the winery and Anne’s theater forces both Ben and Anne to confront their complicated history, and as they spend more time together, Anne can’t help but wonder if there might be hope for their future after all.

Author I draw inspiration from:

I love Jane Austen (who doesn’t?) – her dry wit, complex characters, and strong narrative voice, are all things of writerly inspiration. Her book Persuasion is the blueprint for my own, Once Persuaded, Twice Shy.

For a good thick plot, with twists and turns and coincidences, maybe a dash of financial crime, and a chorus line of great background characters, I always turn to Charles Dickens, in particular Bleak House.

Author Interview - Melodie Edwards | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book:

I have a big red squashy chair I bought a few years ago, big enough I can sit cross-legged in it, and it’s become my favorite place to read.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:

Orlando, by Virginia Woolf – she’s lived through over 300 years, I don’t think an elevator ride – stuck or not – would be enough to cover it! I also can’t flatter myself that we’d get along, or that she’d be willing to answer my questions; whenever she gets stuck with lingering visitors in the book, she doesn’t seem too happy about it.

Author Interview - Melodie Edwards | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

It just sort of happened! I’ve always been a writer, one way or another, through school projects or my communications career, but author was a bit of a sudden thing.

The last book I read:

Murder Your Employer: The McMasters Guide to Homicide by Rupert Holmes. A fabulous book, so original, darkly funny, and with a great twisty plot. I picked it up by chance, last time I was in a bookstore, just because the title made me laugh. (Fun fact I’ve learned, Rupert Homes aka David Goldstein, wrote the famous Pina Colada song.)

Author Interview - Melodie Edwards | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

Both! I can write faster on a computer, when the ideas are really flowing and I want to get them down before they disappear, but the slower speed of pen and paper works better for other parts of the process. For example, I use paper notebooks to plan my novels, so I can make little side notes in the margins, draw arrows to maybe move paragraphs around, or if I’m struggling to articulate something and I might need to make word lists or refer to earlier attempts – plus a notebook gives my eyes a break from the screen, and easily pops into my purse for travel. I love the soft-cover cahier notebooks from Moleskin, I have a bit of an addiction to buying them in all different colors and sizes.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:

The character Delysia LaFosse from the book Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, by Winifred Watson (also a fabulous movie with Amy Adams). I would love to try and befriend her just to tag along on her fabulous 1930’s party life style in London.

Author Interview - Melodie Edwards | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

Probably what I do now – communications professional. Perhaps I might have gone for journalism. Any job where I get to play around with words would make me happy.

Favorite decade in fashion history:

Tough call! I love the high heels of the 1940’s, and the haute couture of the 1950’s, but I’d probably have to go with the 1920’s – art deco and flapper style!

Place I’d most like to travel:

I’d love to see Snowdonia National Park in Wales.

My signature drink:

A hot cup of Yorkshire Gold tea, with a bit of milk and sugar.

Favorite artist:

My favorite painter is Eugene Jansson, I love his cityscapes and landscapes during his blue period, although I also love Monet.

I don’t really have a favorite musician – it changes a lot. But since it is the year of Taylor Swift, and she features in my book, I can definitely say she’s on nearly all my playlists.

Number one on my bucket list:

I’d love to write a murder mystery. Planning and plotting don’t come naturally to me, so it would be quite the challenge.

Find more from the author:

  • https://instagram.com/melodiewritesedwards

  • https://www.twitter.com/melodie_edward

Author Bio:

Melodie Edwards is the author of Jane & Edward (Mar. 21, 2023) and Once Persuaded, Twice Shy (Feb. 27, 2024). She has a BA in English literature from the University of Toronto, a Master’s degree in communications from McMaster University and Syracuse University and studied comedy writing at the Second City Training Centre.

Her writing has been featured in Writer’s Digest, G160 Theatre Festival, the Austin Film Festival Playwright Competition, and the Hart House Drama Festival.

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