Melissa Croce
Author Interview - Melissa Croce
Author of Single and Forced to Mingle
“Meant to be part-guide and part-commiseration, this book is full of helpful and humorous advice on how to survive and thrive as a single person in a world that's constantly trying to couple you up.”
Author Interview - Melissa Croce
Author I draw inspiration from: There are so many authors I admire and are inspired by! Lately I've been following Jasmine Guillory on social media, especially when she does writing Q&As. She gives such helpful, thoughtful advice!
Author Interview - Melissa Croce
Favorite place to read a book: The park on a sunny day, on the couch, or in bed!
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Eric Bittle (Bitty) from the graphic novel series CHECK, PLEASE! (by Ngozi Ukazu) because he would probably have some delicious baked good to share as we waited for the elevator to be repaired.
Author Interview - Melissa Croce
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: Probably when I read ELLA ENCHANTED by Gail Carson Levine for the first time as a kid. I thought, I want to create something like that.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardback for most books, but paperbacks for poetry, eBooks for library lending, and audiobooks for long plane rides.
The last book I read: THE COLLECTED POEMS OF RITA DOVE 1974-2004 by Rita Dove
Author Interview - Melissa Croce
Pen & paper or computer: Pen & paper for outlining, computer for writing!
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Alex Claremont-Diaz from RED WHITE AND ROYAL BLUE by Casey McQuiston. We're both overly opinionated and I think have a similar sense of humor!
Author Interview - Melissa Croce
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: I currently work in publishing! I market books to librarians. Or if I didn't do that, it would be fun to actually be a librarian.
Favorite decade in fashion history: I like modern times, actually. I like how there are a lot less rules and people can wear what they want. Also, there's an increase in creating clothes for people of various body shapes, which is so important.
Place I’d most like to travel: My friend and I were supposed to go to Croatia and Amsterdam this year to celebrate our birthdays, so I hope we're able to make it to those places some day. I also really want to go to New Zealand.
My signature drink: A paloma! (Tequila, grapefruit juice, lime, seltzer)
Favorite artist: I love museums, but I don't have a favorite artist! I honestly know very little about art in an academic sense.
Number one on my bucket list: In general, I'd like to travel as much as I could! But honestly, I don't really have a bucket list. Not sure what that says about me, but I do have pretty robust New Year's Resolutions lists, so there's that.
Find more from the author:
Twitter: @melissacroce
Author Bio: Originally hailing from the Pacific Northwest, Melissa currently resides in New York, where she works in publishing. When she’s not working, she can be found reading tarot cards, watching hockey games, and spending way too much time on the internet, which is how "Single and Forced to Mingle" came to be.