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Maggie Smith

Maggie Smith

Author Interview - Maggie Smith

Author of Truth and Other Lies

At its heart, Truth and Other Lies is about three women: A world-famous journalist at the end of her career, at risk of losing everything because of an online tweet accusing her of plagiarism; a budding politician knee-deep in a run for Congress who longs to reconnect with her estranged daughter; and the young reporter with ties to each who’s desperate to reboot her stalled career and must choose between her mentor and her mother when she uncovers a decades-old lie.

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Author I draw inspiration from: Laura Hillenbrand. She’s the author of two huge non-fiction best-sellers made into award-winning movies, Seabiscuit and Unbroken, both written while she lived with chronic fatigue syndrome, an illness characterized by inflammation in the brain and spine and often, as in Laura’s case, chronic vertigo, dizziness, and disorientation. If she can persevere through this horrendous disease, I have no excuse to not keep plugging away at my next novel.

Author Interview - Maggie Smith | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: My king-sized bed. I usually reserve the last two hours of the day to snuggle under the comforter, turn the lights low, flip open my e-reader, and lose myself in another world. It takes my mind off all the worries of the day, and puts me in a zone where, once I fall asleep, I have vivid dreams.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: I’d pick James Bond from Ian Fleming’s Goldfinger for three reasons. First, he’d have tons of great stories to share. Second, he’s bound to have a gadget or two from Q tucked away in his tuxedo that could rescue us. And third, well, if you have to be stuck in an elevator, you could do worse than being there with Sean Connery (who remains the quintessential Bond in my mind)

Author Interview - Maggie Smith | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: The first time I re-read a sentence I’d written for my novel after two months had gone by and realized it was pretty darn good. That one sentence was enough to convince me I could get better if I worked at it and took the profession seriously.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: It used to be hardback, but I’m running out of room. I’ve got seven floor to ceiling bookcases overflowing with books (in some cases, double stacked) so now I tend toward ebooks to save space and trees. But nothing really beats holding an actual book in my hands and turning the pages.

The last book I read: I’m going to pick the last good book I read—The Christie Affair by Nina de Gramont. Framed around the real life 11-day disappearance of mystery writer Agatha Christie in 1925, and told from the point of view of Nan O’Dea, Archie Christie’s mistress and eventual second wife, it’s an intriguing book that spins an alternative version of the facts to reveal a different “why” to the well-documented events and a surprising yet logical motive behind the actions of all the principal players. 

Author Interview - Maggie Smith | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: I do all my writing (except to-do lists) on my computer using Microsoft Word.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I adored Before Everything by Victoria Redel from a few years ago. The novel revolves around Anna and the two circles of close women friends who rally around her as she enters hospice. One group is composed of her oldest and dearest – the people she’s known since they were girls, weathering life’s ups and downs throughout their adult lives. The other set are her recent buddies in the neighborhood who also claim her as theirs. The entire novel is an ode to friendship and beautifully illustrates how one person can shape the journeys of those around her. Anyone who inspires that kind of loyalty is someone I’m sure I’d be drawn to as well.

Author Interview - Maggie Smith | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: I’d love to have a huge section of land and run an animal sanctuary for dogs.

Favorite decade in fashion history: I’m picking the 1960’s, from Jackie Kennedy’s pillbox hat and sheath dresses through Mary Quant’s jumper dresses, the hippie generation’s flowing caftans, miniskirts, and tie-dye t-shirts, and in footwear, penny loafers to kitten heels to go-go boots. Needless to say, Man Men was must-see-TV for me.

Place I’d most like to travel: France has always been at the top of my list. Paris, yes, but also the coastline of Cote d’Azur, the lavender fields of Provence, the island of Corsica, the beaches at Normandy, and the vineyards of the Loire Valley. So many varied landscapes, each so fascinating.

My signature drink: The Truth and Other Lies cocktail I commissioned from Lindsay Merbaum at Pick Your Potions. Ingredients are 1.5 oz. Absolut Juice Strawberry Edition, three fresh strawberries stemmed and sliced, Prosecco, and a dash of lemon zest, garnished with a chocolate-covered strawberry and served in a martini glass. I’ll be featuring it at my launch party.

Favorite artist: For over twenty-five years, I ran an art consulting business so I was exposed to loads of different paintings and the artist that always caused me to pause and look again was Edward Hopper. His evocative, often lonely, and always haunting pictures of everyday people pursuing their lives, whether in an all-night diner, on the front porch of a farmhouse, or in the wings of a theater, are short stories in and of themselves and for some reason, they remind me of my father and the “silent generation” of the fifties, working at mind-numbing jobs, their minds filled with memories of the recent world war.

Number one on my bucket list: Spending a year living in an oceanfront cottage where I could hear the waves all the time, walk into the water every morning, and with enough breeze I could sleep with my windows open year-round.

Anything else you'd like to add: A big thanks to you for all you do to promote authors and particularly ones bringing out their debut.  The writing community in general is so supportive and nurturing that it makes any setbacks I’ve encountered seem like minor bumps in the road.

Find more from the author:

  • Instagram: @maggiesmithwrites

  • Twitter: @magpie0218

Author Bio: In a career that’s included work as a journalist, a psychologist, and the founder of a national art consulting company, Maggie Smith now adds novelist to her resume with the publication of her debut, Truth and Other Lies. In addition to her writing, Maggie hosts the weekly podcast Hear Us Roar, where she interviews debut authors about their novel and their path to publication and blogs monthly for Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. A board member of the Chicago Writer’s Association, she’s Managing Editor of their Write City Magazine, and coordinator of Book Nook, which highlights Chicago-area independent bookstores. She resides in Milwaukee Wisconsin with her husband and her aging but still adorable sheltie.

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Westside Lights

Westside Lights

Truth and Other Lies by Maggie Smith

Truth and Other Lies by Maggie Smith