Lori Nelson Spielman
Author Interview - Lori Nelson Spielman
“A trio of second-born daughters sets out on a whirlwind journey through the lush Italian countryside to break the family curse that says they’ll never find love, by New York Times bestseller Lori Nelson Spielman, author of The Life List.”
Author Interview - Lori Nelson Spielman
Author I draw inspiration from: Every time I read a book I’m inspired. Truly. Even when I don’t particularly like the book, I’m impressed that someone had the perseverance to sit down and write it, and the courage to put it out for others to view.
Right now, I’m inspired and awestruck (and hugely intimidated) by Elizabeth Strout’s prose. I just finished reading her Pulitzer prize-winner, Olive Kitteridge, and found it nothing short of stunning.
Author Interview - Lori Nelson Spielman
Favorite place to read a book: On a comfy chaise overlooking the ocean. In reality, I rarely have this reading experience. More typically, I’m lying in bed with my book just before turning out the light, struggling to finish a page or two before my eyes slam shut.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Oh, what a great question! Please don’t tell on me, but I’d choose Jamie Fraser from Diana Gabaldon’s Outlanders series—simply to ask him questions about eighteenth century history, of course!
Author Interview - Lori Nelson Spielman
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: In my senior year of high school, when my friends were passing around a short story I’d written for Mr. Chapman’s English class. I couldn’t believe that my trite little love story was creating a bit of a stir!
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback when I have the time, but lately I’ve been loving audiobooks. I get through so many more novels, listening as I get ready in the morning, take my walk, clean the house, etc. Unfortunately, my husband finds the constant buds in my ears rather annoying!
The last book I read: I just finished After the Flood, by Kassandra Montag. I’m somewhat obsessed with climate change, and this dystopic story completely captivated me. I was blown away when I discovered it was Kassandra’s debut novel.
Author Interview - Lori Nelson Spielman
Pen & paper or computer: Computer, but I’m tempted to try pen and paper. In fact, I think I will, thank you very much!
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Louisa Clark, Jojo Moyes’s character in Me Before You. She’s a lovely mix of warmth and wit, sweetness and self-deprecation.
Author Interview - Lori Nelson Spielman
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: A homebound teacher, like I was prior to writing. I loved teaching sick kids in their homes or at the hospital. But unlike an author, a teacher actually has to get dressed in real clothes before going to work. Therefore, I think I’ll keep writing!
Favorite decade in fashion history: I love the Jacqueline Kennedy and Audrey Hepburn look of the early 1960’s—slim ankle length slacks and ballet flats, pastel dresses with cinched waists and matching coats. But of course, Jackie and Audrey would look fabulous in any decade’s fashion!
Place I’d most like to travel: It’s a tossup between Japan and an Africa safari.
My signature drink: Rose Kennedy: Vodka, soda, splash of cranberry juice. Refreshing, not too sweet, and bonus: low calorie.
Favorite artist: Mark Mahaffey, my dear friend and former colleague. He works in watercolor and acrylics, and his paintings are gorgeous and moody and seeped with expression.
Number one on my bucket list: Get a dog, which was on my original life list, circa 1974. For some time now, I’ve been on a hunt for a puppy, and I must admit, I think I enjoy the search more than the find. It’s an instant mood-lifter, getting online and perusing page after page of adorable pups.
Anything else you'd like to add: Thank you so much, Ashley, for hosting me on The Hasty Book List! You’ve got the best set of questions!