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Leanne Treese

Leanne Treese

Author Interview - Leanne Treese

Author of Fun Lessons

Mismatched co-workers Rebecca Chapman and Ian Ledger make a deal. He'll teach her to play guitar for an upcoming singing audition and she'll teach him how to loosen up so he can win back his girlfriend. But somewhere between the ridiculous fun lessons and and the hours of arduous music practice, feelings between these former enemies shift. Will they hold fast to their original dreams or take a chance on a new one?

Author Interview - Leanne Treese

Author I draw inspiration from: I am inspired by Kate Clayborn. Her books are the perfect combination of funny and meaningful and I love her writing style. Other favorites of mine are Jodi Picoult, Abby Jimenez, and Katherine Center. (Click here for my list of Best Jodi Picoult Books)

Author Interview - Leanne Treese | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: My husband and I recently renovated our deck and it's become my new favorite place to read when the weather is nice enough. In bad weather, I like reading in bed. There's nothing like curling up with a good book when it's cold out.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Jonas Rishel, the swoonworthy Amish hero in Wendy Rich Stetson's "Hometown." I'd love to ask him about the Amish lifestyle.

Author Interview - Leanne Treese | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When I was eight, my third grade teacher had a system where students could earn tokens for prizes if they did extra work - extra reading, math sheets, etc. One of the ways you could earn tokens was to write stories. I wrote so many the teacher had to change the rule - only ONE creative story a day could earn a token. My parents saved these stories and I recently had a chance to look at them. So funny!

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Ebook and audiobook.I have apps for both of these on my phone and I like that I always have my books with me. Also, if i had physical copies of all my books, I'd need a separate room!

The last book I read: Moloka'i by Alan Brennart. This book, picked by my book club, is the life story of an eight-year-old girl who contracts leprosy in the late 1800s and is sent to live on a leper colony. I know it sounds awful and, as a big romantic comedy reader, I would not have picked this book on my own. That said, I found it fascinating and am planning to get the sequel. Reading books I'd normally shy away from is one of my favorite parts of being in a book club.

Author Interview - Leanne Treese | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: A computer. I revise my drafts so much, I can't imagine using anything else.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I'd like to be friends with all of the women in Kate Clayborn's "Luck of the Draw" series. A lawyer, a photographer, and a scientist, they have unique and interesting personalities and a wonderful friendship. Everyone deserves women like these in their life.

Author Interview - Leanne Treese | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Definitely, a toy store owner or toy designer. I still love going to toy stores even though all my kids are adults.

Favorite decade in fashion history: I like the 1950s. I could definitely see myself wearing poodle skirts and cardigans. I also love capri pants.

Place I’d most like to travel: I am a big beach lover so Hawaii is at the top of my list.

My signature drink: Coffee. I drink it to relax which is silly since it's caffeinated. But there's something about holding the warm mug and taking my time drinking it that makes me happy.

Favorite artist: My musical taste is pretty eclectic. My playlist has disco, country, spiritual songs, and rock. If I had to choose just one artist, I'd pick Billy Joel. This probably says a lot about my age!

Number one on my bucket list: I would love to see one of my books made into a movie.

Find more from the author:

  • Website: www.leannetreese.com

  • Facebook: @authorleanne50

  • Instagram: @leannetreese

Author Bio: Leanne Treese is an award-winning author of women's fiction and romance. Her books have each independently been described as having "all the feels." When she's not writing, Leanne loves running, forcing her family to play board games (Settlers of Catan anyone?), and spoiling her beloved dogs. Leanne's favorite locations include her backyard, the Jersey shore, and anywhere that sells books or coffee, preferably both. A lifelong learner, Leanne's dream life would include going back to college and majoring in everything.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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