Lauren Layne


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Lauren Layne

Lauren Layne

Author Interview - Lauren Layne

Author I draw inspiration from: Susan Elizabeth Phillips; she’s the absolute gold-standard in terms of romantic comedies!

Author Interview - Lauren Layne

Author Interview - Lauren Layne

First Star I See Tonight
By Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Buy on Amazon

Favorite place to read a book: The bubble bath—which used to be a risky endeavor since I only read e-books, but now that I have the waterproof Kindle Oasis, it’s become a regular occurrence!

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Severus Snape. I have so many questions!

Author Interview - Lauren Layne

Author Interview - Lauren Layne

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I can never remember not wanting to be an author. I suppose, if I had to trace the exact moment, it was either my mom reading me The Castle in the Attic before my reading skills were up to snuff to read myself, and I remember the sheer awe of being transported to another place so thoroughly without leaving my bedroom. Not long after that, I read The Boxcar Children on my own, and realized I could have that same amazing experience whenever I wanted, without my mom needing to clear her schedule to read to me. I was about seven, and already my life’s direction was set!

Author Interview - Lauren Layne

Author Interview - Lauren Layne

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Always e-book. I used to love the feel of a “real book,” and I suppose I still do, but I live in a minimalist house hold, which means I try very hard to limit my physical possessions to the bare minimum. The Kindle has been a game-changer in that way; I can have thousands of books in something roughly the size of my palm. The lone exception is if my husband and I are on a road trip; we listen to a lot of non-fiction audiobooks on long drive days. I never listen to fiction in audiobook format though—not even my own books! I don’t know why, I just can’t lose myself in a story when someone else is reading it to me!

The last book I read: I just finished Heiress Gone Wild, by Laura Lee Guhrke. I love to write contemporary romance, but I very seldom read it anymore. Most of my reading time is dedicated to historical romance or non-fiction.

Author Interview - Lauren Layne

Author Interview - Lauren Layne

Pen & paper or computer: I always do the actual writing on the computer, but I love to use a pen and paper for brainstorming! Lately, though, I’ve been using my iPad and Apple Pencil, again because of the minimalism thing. I was a little dismayed by just how many pens and notebooks I had (unnecessarily).

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Hermione Granger. She’s quick-witted, loyal, and I think we’d also have some pretty real talks about our hair.

Author Interview - Lauren Layne

Author Interview - Lauren Layne

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: I confess, this question has been stumping me for quite awhile now! I finished the rest of the interview, and then had to come back to it, and here’s what I came up with: I’d love to be a lifestyle or productivity blogger. Which is sort of cheating, because it’s still writing, just in a different form. But I can’t imagine a life in which writing isn’t the primary part of it!

Favorite decade in fashion history: Oh man — I’m not particularly fashion-savvy, and other than the 20s flapper dresses, I’m not sure I could even describe a decade! I do really admire Audrey Hepburn’s elegant polish in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, so … 1960s?

Place I’d most like to travel: Ireland and Scotland. I love cool, I love gray, I love rain. I think I’ll love it!

My signature drink: If I’m at a fancy cocktail bar, I’ll order a Vesper. Most of the time, I’m a white wine or champagne kind of gal.

Favorite artist: I’m going to interpret this as musical artist: Michael Bublé and Taylor Swift. They’re probably the only two musicians I follow closely enough to know when they have a new album drop.

Number one on my bucket list: To live right off Central Park West, Central Park South, or along Fifth Ave between 60-90, which would be equivalent of Central Park East, though it’s not called that. Basically, I want to walk outside my front door and have Central Park be right there. It’s probably a pipe dream, but it’s a daydream I haven’t been able to shake for years now!

Find more from Lauren Layne:


Instagram: @laurenlayneauthor

Author Interview - Lauren Layne

Author Interview - Lauren Layne

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