Author Interview with Lauren J. Sharkey | Inconvenient Daughter


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Lauren J. Sharkey

Lauren J. Sharkey

Author Interview - Lauren J. Sharkey

Author I draw inspiration from: Cheryl Strayed – without a doubt. Brave Enough is one of the few books I always keep within arm’s reach. I actually keep a few copies in my apartment because, every now and then, I find someone who I feel really needs those words. From Dear Sugar to Wild, Cheryl Strayed is one of the writers who’s been with me the longest. It seems like I’ve always been reading her, allowing my writing to be shaped by her as well.

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Favorite place to read a book: When I was five, my family moved from one side of town to the other. I was super psyched when I discovered the house had an attic. For the first ten years we lived there, my parents used it as a junk room. But when I came home from college, my mom offered me the choice of staying in my old room or moving up there, in exchange for cleaning it out of course lol. It took a few weeks, but I finally settled up there.

When it’s warm, I’d take a beach towel and hang out on the terrace outside with my journals or whatever book I was reading. In the winter, the light coming through the windows still made it feel like a spring day. It’ll always be my favorite place.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: It would definitely have to be Mia and Bebe from Celeste Ng’s Little Fires Everywhere. What I loved so much about this book was that it gave me insight into what my biological mother might have been like. Being able to sit with these two women in an elevator would truly be life changing.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: One moment in particular doesn’t stand out to me. It’s like writing had always been a part of me – something that was with me since the beginning.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback all the way. Unless the book only comes in hardcover in which case I remove the jacket and put it in a safe place to avoid damage. Yeah, I’m that guy.

The last book I read: Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng, which I read in preparation for the Hulu TV series! I saw it on Buzzfeed’s list of books being turned into movies/TV series and loved the cover, not knowing what it was about. I think I finished it in two days.

Pen & paper or computer: I used to be a pen and paper gal, but now I’m married to the computer. If I’m having writers block, though, I switch back to pen and paper.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Rachel Chu from Crazy Rich Asians. All my life, I’ve been told I’m not really Asian – I’ve been called Twinkie, banana, etc. I think Rachel and my experience with the Asian community, as well as being estranged from our biological parents, would bring us closer. That, and we both love food.

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: a baker. Whenever I’m stressed, I see what’s in my cupboard and whip together cookies, cupcakes, or some type of brownie. I love decorating with icing, experimenting with new flavors, and, of course, eating the fruits of my labor.

Favorite decade in fashion history: Tough question since I’m not particularly fashionable. But, if my arm is being twisted, I’d have to say right now. Not because of the style or trends – but because of where and who I am now. When I was younger, I was so obsessed with fitting in and looking like everyone else – getting bangs, flat ironing my hair, wearing body glitter. Now, I feel none of that. I wear what I want, when I want…and I have no regrets.

Place I’d most like to travel: If I could travel anywhere in the world, I’d love to visit Korea.

My signature drink: Non-alcoholic: Diet Coke. Alcoholic: Margarita, rocks, salt. Warm weather: hot cocoa, homemade whipped cream.

Favorite artist: I’m going to with my favorite musical artist which would be the band Blue October. I feel like they get me.

Number one on my bucket list: Number one on my bucket list was publish a book. My second is going to Korea.

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