Laura Lippman
Author Interview - Laura Lippman
Author I draw inspiration from: This is going to sound corny, but I have a core group of writer friends I draw inspiration from. They're all outstanding writers and I like to think we're mutually inspirational. There are literally too many to name.
Favorite place to read a book: The bathtub.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Danny Deck from All My Friends Are Going to Be Strangers. I have some questions.
Author Interview - Laura Lippman
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I've wanted to write almost since I could talk.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: I buy hardbacks, but given my tendency to drop books in the bathtub, I should read paperbacks.
The last book I read: Good Talk, Mira Jacobs.
Author Interview - Laura Lippman
Pen & paper or computer: Computer
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Betsy Ray of the Betsy-Tacy series. Although have you ever noticed that the writer girls in books don't usually have writer friends?
Author Interview - Laura Lippman
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: A social worker.
Favorite decade in fashion history: The 1920s
Place I’d most like to travel: I'm well-traveled, but I haven't been anywhere in Asia or South America, so either continent would do, but I think Asia has a slight edge.
My signature drink: A very dry martini, preferably with Hendricks. It was my father's signature drink, although he used Beefeater's, and I feel as if I inherited it.
Favorite artist: If I have to pick one, it's Henry Darger.
Number one on my bucket list: I'm trying to be a Stephen Sondheim completist, seeing at least one production of everything to which he has contributed (so I have to do the early work, too, the ones for which he wrote only lyrics). I've got a ways to go, but what a journey.
Author Interview - Laura Lippman