Laura Kalpakian
Author Interview - Laura Kalpakian
Author I draw inspiration from: Two books that left me dazzled from the first time I read them, and have rewarded me every time I’ve returned are Scott Fitzgerald’s THE GREAT GATSBY and Virginia Woolf’s TO THE LIGHTHOUSE.
Author Interview - Laura Kalpakian
Favorite place to read a book: The beach or on my deck in summertime.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: I don’t want to be stuck in an elevator with anyone; I have terrible claustrophobia!
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: In the 4th grade I told my teacher I was going to write books, and asked if he would please draw the pictures. He said yes. I told my mother I was going to write books and would she please type them for me. She said yes. It was a long, jagged, roundabout road from there.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: I only read ebooks on airplanes. Audiobooks with great readers/actors make a good book even better. However, a bad book is worse because you can’t skim over the material; you have to listen through the dull bits. I best like paperbacks, light, easy to carry, but I’ve certainly been known to buy hardcovers as well.
The last book I read: THE WILD BUNCH: Sam Peckinpah, a Revolution in Hollywood and the Making of a Legendary Film by W. K. Stratton
Author Interview - Laura Kalpakian
Pen & paper or computer: I started writing on a typewriter, a Smith-Corona. I was never a good typist and my mom did indeed type my books for many years. She was an artist at the keyboard. Since about 2000 I’ve used the computer exclusively. That said, I still love the way a fountain pen works and watching words gather on an actual page.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Huck Finn
Author Interview - Laura Kalpakian
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: A musician
Favorite decade in fashion history: The Twenties
Place I’d most like to travel: Spain
My signature drink: Panache, a cocktail created for and from the pages of THE GREAT PRETENDERS. For the recipe, see the blogpost on my website,
Author Interview - Laura Kalpakian
Favorite artist: Matisse
Number one on my bucket list: Finish reading REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST
Favorite quote from THE GREAT PRETENDERS: Glamour is nothing more than knowing how to talk fast, laugh fluidly, gesture economically and leave behind a shimmering wake.
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