Author Interview with Kristen Van Nest


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Kristen Van Nest

Kristen Van Nest

Author Interview - Kristen Van Nest

Author of Where to Nest: A Global Search for Love, Cheap Wine, and a Place to Belong

In her debut travel memoir Where to Nest (April 2, 2024, Rising Action Publishing Co.) Kristen Van Nest weaves an entertaining story for anyone who needs a good laugh, travel ideas, and inspiration for ways to add more joy into their lives.

After college getting her dream job in New York City, Kristen thought she had everything a modern Millennial was supposed to want: a sexy zip code, a boyfriend, and a corporate job.

But instead of feeling content, she soon realized she had no idea who she was and what made her happy. Naturally, she did what any sane person would do: hopped on a plane and spent the rest of her twenties living abroad and traveling the world in search of love, adventure, and new and exciting places to eat bread.

By stripping away the cultural norms and expectations she grew up with in the US, she rebuilt from scratch a new identity, sense of self, and life purpose that ultimately led her to move to Los Angeles to pursue comedy. Through living in Luxembourg on a Fulbright Scholarship and then in China for three years working for a wine importer, Where to Nest takes us across the globe–including nearly being murdered by a lover while skiing in Switzerland, navigating Greece during a banking crisis, and visiting Thailand during a government coup–as a woman struggles to find belonging.

Author I draw inspiration from:

I absolutely love Kristin Newman’s “What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding.” While her book was published a decade ago, it follows a lot of the same themes that I experienced growing up of how women are really put in a box of what is expected of them and what they can do in their careers. Like her, I address these restrictions with humor, while trying to navigate and discover who I want to be as I travel all across the globe.

Of course, Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Eat Pray Love” Is another book that has similar themes of figuring out who we are as women and rebelling against what is expected of us by society, by men, and by ourselves. Similarly, I also deeply enjoy eating gluten in all shapes and sizes. However, my ADHD makes it very hard for me to meditate. My mind is filled with the constant pitter patter of anxiety.

“Wild” by Cheryl Strayed was a companion I listened to on walks while I was writing this book. Her bravery and raw honesty inspired me to push myself to be more personal and critical of myself. These moments of vulnerability, while scary to share, make stories stronger and I hope can help comfort anyone facing similar problems that I discuss in the book–whether that’s getting fired (sadly a frequent theme these days), dealing with a toxic boss, or getting trapped on a yacht with a bunch of unruly Floridians (okay, I guess that is less common).

What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding by Kristin Newman

Author Interview - Kristen Van Nest | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book:

Curled up on a lounge chair in the sun, ideally with a fruity cocktail with a colorful umbrella.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

As I discuss in my book, growing up I wanted to be an international business lady. My mother was a painter and I saw first hand the struggle of trying to pay the bills as a creative. As a result, I was absolutely terrified to let myself commit to a creative path. However, after I moved to Los Angeles from China to pursue comedy, I realized I had all of these experiences that really taught me about how the world worked and it felt like such a pity to bury them within myself and not share them. During the pandemic, trapped inside and unable to perform as an actor or comedian, I decided it was finally time to put pen to paper.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

I am in A-type person with ADHD and so multi-tasking is the only way I operate. This is why I absolutely love audiobooks. I listen to them while taking my morning walk, doing laundry, or when taking a bath with a glass of wine in hand. If you pick up an audiobook version of WHERE TO NEST, you will get to hear me narrate it, including Italian, German, and even Southern accents–all terribly done!

The last book I read:

I am reading “Feminism is for Everybody” by Bell Hooks. An oldie but goodie, I felt it was time to learn more about feminism and how it impacts everyone's lives. As a comedian on Instagram/TikTok (@KristenVanNest), I posted a recent videos about a new study in which Gen Z women are becoming more Progressive, while Gen Z men are becoming more conservative than boomers. While it feels important to share this new data, seeing some of the reactions from both men and women has been quite unsettling. From this, I wanted to learn more about historical gender roles to better understand where we've come from and how far we still have to go to reach equality and acceptance.

I also always check Hasty Book List's newsletter, website, and Ashley's Insta for new things to read!

Feminism is for Everybody by Bell Hooks

Author Interview - Kristen Van Nest | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

There are studies that say it's much better to write with pen and paper, because it triggers different parts of the brain. However, as I wrote my memoir, I often relied on old journal entries or snippets I'd written throughout my life. This made me realize how important it is to record this information–my feelings and experiences–not only for my writing, but to reflect on who I am as a person and how I can grow. Thus, I am a huge proponent of Google Docs/keeping everything in the cloud. Although on second thought, if they ever wanted to create an AI clone of me, this is where they could start.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

My childhood dream was to live in a van and study a pride of lions, just like the WIld Thornberries. Currently, I only have my house tiger, Nala (named after the best Disney princess). She is far less exciting but creates about 80% of the joy I experience every day as she tries to go about her daily routines using all three of her brain cells. I guess if I couldn’t be a writer, I would want to be a cat. Then, I have someone to regularly do my nails, can take naps whenever I want, and I have a personal assistant who works to pay my rent.

Favorite decade in fashion history:

Does Alexa Chung count as an era? What about Chloe Sevigny?

My signature drink:

🍷 🍷 🍷 . A few chapters of my book describe my experience working for the biggest wine importer in China. They cover my travels, including a wine dinner in a Cold War Era bunker turned wine cave, visiting wineries and hosting wine dinners across China, as well as the amazing food pairings I tasted along the way.

Favorite artist:

My mother, Gigi Guthrie (@gigiguthriestudio). She had to give up painting to raise my brother and I, but now that we’re adults, she paints every day. Her paintings are absolutely gorgeous and thought provoking. I am so lucky to have a mother who encouraged me to be creative throughout my life. Whenever I'm questioning myself, she's there to guide me. Growing up, she absolutely loved swimming and scuba diving. When I look at her paintings, I feel that utter peace and vastness--like you're part of something bigger--that one feels when facing the sea.

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About Kristen Van Nest:

Kristen Van Nest

Author Interview - Kristen Van Nest

Kristen Van Nest is an American comedian and business owner based in Los Angeles, CA. Having traveled to over 40 countries and lived and worked for most of her twenties in Europe and Asia, she's found herself through travel. Her tweets have been featured on Millennial meme accounts including @fearofgoingout, @vodkalana, @Iamthirtyaf, to name a few, and her personal essays and satirical writing can be found on The Rumpus, McSweeney's, SlackJaw, and more. When not traveling, you can find her curled up on the sofa drinking wine with her cat. Kristen is represented by Mariah Nichols at D4EO. Where to Nest is her debut memoir.

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