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Kit Frick

Kit Frick

Author Interview - Kit Frick

Author I draw inspiration from: I'll limit myself to YA thrillers here because otherwise I'd write a novel on the many authors that inspire me. Stephanie Kuehn, Kara Thomas, Courtney Summers, E Lockhart, and Tiffany D. Jackson are all hashtag author goals when it comes to thrilling YA.

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Favorite place to read a book: In bed! My prime reading time is at night, curled up with my cat Francie (who usually tries to sit directly on or in front of my book).

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Rowan Caine from Ruth Ware's The Turn of the Key. I have so many questions about what happened to you after the book ends, Rowan!

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: This is hard to trace back because I've been writing forever. By the time I was a college first year, I already had big publication dreams, although I wasn't sure how to make them come true. I also equated author with professor; all the working writers I knew also taught, and I wasn't sure that path was for me, a suspicion I confirmed in grad school. It wasn't until my early thirties that I really began to think seriously about writing as a career path I could maybe, possibly pursue. If I had to pin it to a specific moment, it would be a car trip with my husband, when I shared with him an idea I had for writing a young adult novel. I had doubts I could do it. But the spark was there. (And spoiler alert: I wrote that book and several after!)

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: All of the formats! Seriously, I'm maybe the only reader I know who is fairly equal opportunity when it comes to this hot debate. I love collecting favorite books in hardcover and the ease of reading a paperback. There are certain books I love in audio, especially if they have full-cast recordings (like I Killed Zoe Spanos does for the podcast chapters!). And I love being able to check out ebooks from my public library. While I initially scoffed at the ebook format, it's amazing how quickly I got used to reading on my e-reader. Bottom line, give me all the books all the ways.

The last book I read: I just finished What I Like About You by Marisa Kanter, an adorable YA rom-com, and by the time this runs I will have also finished my current read, All Your Twisted Secrets by Diana Urban, a YA thriller. They're both 2020 debuts--pick them up!

Pen & paper or computer: Computer. I draft and revise in Scrivener and do edits in MS Word.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Lee from Curtis Sittenfeld's Prep.

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: I suppose it would be cheating to say "an editor" because I am in fact already an editor, so I don't have to choose! I love to cook, but could definitely not handle the stress of the restaurant industry, so I suppose there's an alternate universe where I might try my hand at becoming a private chef!

Favorite decade in fashion history: Ooh. The 1920s. (Unoriginal but true.)

Place I’d most like to travel: Vancouver, New Orleans, and Seville are at the top of my list of places I've never been!

My signature drink:

Favorite artist: Salvador Dalí

Number one on my bucket list: I would really love to take a food tour through both the US and Europe. And China. That just sounds amazing.

Find more from the author:

  • Website: https://kitfrick.com

  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/kitfrick (@kitfrick)

  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kitfrick/ (@kitfrick) Facebook:

  • https://www.facebook.com/kitfrickauthor/ (@kitfrickauthor)

Author Bio: Kit Frick is a novelist, poet, and MacDowell Colony fellow from Pittsburgh, PA. She studied creative writing at Sarah Lawrence College and received her MFA from Syracuse University. When she isn’t putting complicated characters in impossible situations, Kit edits poetry and literary fiction for a small press and edits for private clients. She is the author of the young adult thrillers I Killed Zoe Spanos, All Eyes on Us, and See All the Stars, all from Simon & Schuster / Margaret K. McElderry Books, as well as the poetry collection A Small Rising Up in the Lungs from New American Press. Kit is working on her next novel.

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The Secret Messenger

I Killed Zoe Spanos

I Killed Zoe Spanos