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Khurrum Rahman

Khurrum Rahman

Author Interview - Khurrum Rahman

Author I draw inspiration from: Colin Bateman, author of the Dan Starkey Series. I love his unique style of writing, in particular how he is able to inject humour whilst at times exploring dark themes. I draw great inspiration from his style of storytelling, to the point where I’m waiting for a letter from his lawyer.

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Favorite place to read a book: The bathtub is the place to be. My household can be very noisy, thanks to my two very loud, very chatty children, so I find escape and peace submerged in bubbles and a good book.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: It’s got to be Jack Reacher. I like to see how long I can annoy him for before he takes a swing at me. I would wear that black eye like a badge of honour.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I never once had any ambition of being an author. It was freak luck. I think it was right time, right place. But I’m very grateful that it happened and I’m having so much fun playing author before I’m found out.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardback's are too cumbersome, especially in the bath! With ebook I feel like I’m losing a little something from the experience, but can understand why that format is so popular. I don’t mind audiobook for short stories. So the winner is paperback.

The last book I read: The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley. A very clever book about a group of friends gathering for a New Year celebrations in an idyllic but isolated estate in the Scottish Highlands. A suspenseful and twisty tale with such great character development.

Pen & paper or computer: I do most of my writing on my laptop and make notes on my phone. It’s very rare for me to pick up a pen.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Harry Potter! I would try my hardest to corrupt him so that he could use his magic for fun. Maybe I’ll take him to a casino.

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: I would love to be part of a movie. Not on screen, nobody wants to see that, but in some capacity behind the camera.

Favorite decade in fashion history: I really enjoyed the 90’s. That whole G-funk hip hop culture, baggy tops and baggy jeans. I was basically drowning. But I think right now is my favourite era in fashion - you’ll find me in loud Cuban type half-sleeved shirts. I think it works for me. My wife may disagree.

Place I’d most like to travel: Hawaii. It’s always been Hawaii ever since I was a child, but I don’t quite know why. It always looks so windy in the pictures but I just like the idea of it.

My signature drink: Half Coke, half Fanta, lots of ice. You have to try it.

Favorite artist: Can I name a band? Oasis have produced music that has been the soundtrack to my life, in fact the whole 90’s Britpop era has had a great deal of influence on me. I used to really be into Hip Hop, but again the older stuff from the 80’s and 90’s. I’m kinda stuck in the past.

Number one on my bucket list: A cross country US Road Trip would be amazing. Stopping at suspect gas stations and creepy Bates type Motels. I love the sense of fearing for my life!

Anything else you'd like to add: I'm very excited to see how my debut is received in the US. I hope the readers enjoy meeting Jay and getting to feel the sights and sounds of West London.

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