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Julia Claiborne Johnson

Julia Claiborne Johnson

Author Interview - Julia Claiborne Johnson

Author of Better Luck Next Time

“Ward Bennett, a retired doctor in Tennessee, tells the story of his last few weeks working during the Depression as a "cowboy" on a dude ranch outside Reno that catered to the quickie divorce trade. "I was flat broke then, but I was pretty, and jobs were hard to come by," he explains. His job entails chores around the ranch, but more importantly, squiring the rich, bereft ladies who make up the clientele of the Flying Leap around town, dancing with them, flirting with them, holding their purses while they shopped. Getting involved with any of these ladies is strictly forbidden, so when Ward gets himself tangled up with two of them his days on the ranch are numbered.”

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Author I draw inspiration from: Charles Portis, Kazuo Ishiguro, Paulette Jiles, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Nancy Mitford.

Favorite place to read a book: In bed on a cold night with the covers pulled up to my chin, with just one arm sticking out to hold up the book and turn pages.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Cassandra Mortmain from I Capture the Castle

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When I was thirteen years old and my English teacher said to me, "One day you're going to write novels." It had never occurred to me. I just liked telling stories. Maybe it was that English teacher's attempt to get me to stop talking.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: It depends! If I'm swimming laps, an audiobook. If I'm riding an exercise bike or walking in circles in my back yard (which passes for exercise during the pandemic) an e-book. Paperbacks if I'm going someplace where I might misplace or accidentally leave behind my book (Who's going anywhere these days?); otherwise hardcovers.

The last book I read: The Pull of the Stars, by Emma Donoghue

Pen & paper or computer: Computer, then pencil and paper.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Bridget Jones, from Bridget Jones's Diary

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: A doctor, or a therapist. I guess I should have gone to medical school. High school chemistry almost did me in, however, so my science career got upended early.

Favorite decade in fashion history: The 1920s? Although I don't have the build for it. I also like the 1930s, but I'm not really built for that one, either.

Place I’d most like to travel: Italy. I hear George Clooney has a really nice place on Lake Como.

My signature drink: Early Grey tea. (I used to drink my share of white wine but in my dotage it destroys my sleep.)

Favorite artist: John Singer Sargent

Number one on my bucket list: To go to the New York City of the Before Times, see ten plays in one week, and stand on a crowded street corner without hyperventilating over being so close to so many people.

Anything else you'd like to add: When I'm deep into writing a book I go into lockdown--I won't socialize with anybody, go anywhere or do anything fun. I was doing a final pass on this novel last March, just as the pandemic was ramping up. So, once I was ready to come out of lockdown, the rest of the world had gone away. On the upside, I've had good training when it comes to never seeing anybody or going anywhere. Sigh.

Find more from the author:

  • Instagram, facebook and twitter--@juliaclaibornej

Author Bio:
Julia Claiborne Johnson grew up on a farm in Tennessee, attended the University of Virginia and studied creative writing at Boston University. She worked at Mademoiselle and Glamour magazines before moving to Los Angeles with her comedy writer husband. They have two children.

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Rob Swigart

Rob Swigart

Better Luck Next Time

Better Luck Next Time